Please HELP!!!!

Okay, I am totally confused. I have been consistently watching my food intake for the last month, having three smalls and two snacks daily (1200 cal. or less).The meals consist mostly of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, flax. I started out walking one/two miles a day but for the last two weeks I have been walking 3 to 4 miles a day and at least 20 min. of strength training. Also, in the last three weeks I have been jogging in intervals during my daily walk. I also started with a cleanse called Taio he cleanse that helped me kick start my weight loss in the past. I drink at least 8- 8oz. glasses of water a day. I've substituted dairy for Almond milk. I don't eat any bread except for the occasional spinach or wheat wrap. So I just weighed in one month later and I've gained three pounds. What am I doing wrong? The only things I can think of is my cycle just ended, but even before that the weight wasn't coming off, I drank a few protein drinks which I don't know is conducive with weight loss but saw that another user had success with it. Any how, I am so disappointed and convinced that my body does not know how to lose weight. Please help!