Wondering about people who eat the same foods



  • mimi10453
    mimi10453 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm going to start eating the same things. One less thing to think about.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I initially did this when I first started out and will periodically go back to it because it helps me stay on track and simplifies my life as far as cooking/prepping for the week. It did jump start my weight loss as well and has helped me break through a plateau...everyone is different, gotta find what works for you. Good Luck!
  • JillianLH
    JillianLH Posts: 23 Member
    Corn pops!? I haven't had those since I was a kid. Sooooo good!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    My husband does this just because he isn't very creative in the kitchen and his tastes never really developed beyond what the typical child would enjoy.

    I'm the opposite. If my meals are repetitive, I'm more likely to binge on something different because I get bored easily.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I eat the same breakfast and usually the same lunch everyday. I eat whatever my wife makes for supper. I do not want to have to think about what I eat, other than making some choices about fruit (like stopping at the store to get blueberries).
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Breakfast I switch between two meals and the fruit changes depending on what was on sale when I shopped. For lunch and dinner I like variety. One of my mfp friends eats the same thing most of the time and has lost over 100 lbs.
  • JillianLH
    JillianLH Posts: 23 Member
    breakfast: 2 packets of oatmeal with a half banana OR fruit smooth with chia seeds
    Lunch: greek yogurt with fresh fruit OR turkey breast on whole wheat bread
    Snack: fat free string cheese/ peach/ apple
    Dinner: I change it up a little but its basically, Sushi, rice and chicken, pita sandwich

    Not really loosing weight from eating the same thing every day but definitely not gaining so thats a plus....I guess!
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    I eat a lot of the same foods. It's not to say I always eat the same thing every day. I am trying to eat less meat, and my husband doesn't eat many of the vegetarian meals I make, so while this works, it almost forces me to eat the same meals.

    For example, on lifting days I like to eat more protein so I may eat eggs and toast.
    On my cardio days I might have oatmeal and fruit.

    When I make my vegetarian meals, there is usually 4-8 servings in there. So I may make bean burgers for example and freeze 4 and cook 4. Then I have 4 lunches for the week. A few weeks later, I can pull out my frozen burgers and have them for that week.

    Or I'll make a batch of vegetable soup and can have that as a side dish for lunches or dinners several times throughout that week. Already calculated the recipe and can easily add it to MFP meal.

    It makes tracking on MFP easy as there is the copy function, and I can copy over a whole meal I had 2 days ago.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi I was wondering who out there tends to eat the same foods every day. It would seem like a really easy way to lose weight. Let me rephrase that lol. It seems like it would be easier not easy. Anyone who does this? What is your mindset? I wonder if I could do this. I know people dont eat the "exact" same foods everyday but what about same lunches or dinners etc....curious :)

    I eat pretty much the same thing every day. I'm a junk food queen and don't like to cook, so this works really well for me (even if it looks dull to other people). I've lost almost 30 pounds since 4/1/13, am never hungry, and feel great. I'm age 59, if that matters.

    Breakfast: steel cut oats with a diced apple

    Lunch: lentils with brown rice (or without the rice) and 2-3 veggies. I include a leafy green (collards or kale) and butternut squash, or onion, avocado, tomato, etc.

    The same as lunch, with different veggies. If I eat rice at one meal I usually don't eat it a second time.


    1 cup of coffee a day and a lot of water with lemon slices
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm the opposite. If my meals are repetitive, I'm more likely to binge on something different because I get bored easily.

    This! I rarely eat the same thing two days in a row unless there are leftovers. Boring!!
  • ajroberts11
    ajroberts11 Posts: 29 Member
    Breakfast (M-F) is consistently oatmeal and coffee with flavored creamer, but I change the flavors up daily. I occasionally add a hard boiled egg or fruit, but not often.

    Lunches vary each week. One week, I'll eat the same salad every day. The next week, I'll eat 6" low-fat subs from Subway. The next week I'll eat soups. And so, changing it each week, but staying the same every day for five days.

    Dinners always change because I refuse to prepare one meal for me and one meal for my family. But I do exercise portion control, and try to make at least half of my plate fruits & vegetables.

    This gives me enough variety to stay interested, but enough routine to prevent being derailed by a bad lunch choice. I haven't stuck to this plan consistently over the past 6 months, but the times that I have are the times I've been losing weight.
  • msladydove
    msladydove Posts: 33 Member
    I tend to eat the same foods. I live alone and it is just easier to track and it saves on my food budget.. I like to cook in a crock pot so I will make a few meals there and freeze so that during the week all I have to do is take out of freezer and warm up. When I get tired of eating same thing I will make a big crock pot of something else. :)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I usually eat the same breakfast and lunch, or at least very similar. For me, it is just easier because I have limited time in the morning and fixing the same food makes it faster and easier for me to get ready for work.

    And because I know what I am having for breakfast and lunch, I can usually have whatever I want for dinner because then there are no surprise high calorie meals. This is not to say that I never change it up. Sometimes I do. Maybe once every few weeks, my mom or a friend will want to eat out for lunch, so I will save my packed lunch for the next day and go out. That just means I will need to eat a lighter dinner that evening.

    The only problem that I have found is that I normally don't plan enough "treats" like chocolate bars, little debbies, or chips ahoy. So sometimes, I go over budget on them. But my overall progress has not been impacted by those few occasions.
  • mnfrank11
    mnfrank11 Posts: 35 Member
    It's my world. Welcome to it. Most of my days are pretty much the same. PB sandwich first thing, oatmeal next, sammie with turkey next. No variation til dinner and I try to design dinners that are close macro wise. I prelog everything so I know what to expect. Then when I get a bit hungry (like I did this morning) I know if I have room for a little snack and can stay within my allotment. I know where and how I can treat myself (can I splurge on the hot fudge sundae at McD's or will an ice cream cone suffice).

    Having boring taste buds helps immensely. Slow and steady may win the raise, but dull and boring never hurt either. :)

    HAHAHAHAHAH this cracks me up!!!! but only because i am EXACTLY the same way! it helps me to pre-log, makes me stay on track and agreed on "dull and boring never hurt either" If you don't eat other foods.... you don't really crave them!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    It's actually been proven that eating the same foods everyday can be helpful to weight loss because it takes away the temptation to over eat when offered lots of choices. That said you have to make those repetitive foods good nutritional choices in order to get the nutrients you need.

    This has always been true for me. Too much variety causes me to overeat. I love food and I don't want to miss out on anything.

    For hundreds of years, before travel was common, people ate the same basic foods all their lives and were healthy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I eat the same things almost weekly (I vary my main dish - I just rotate through like 5 or 6) and I only cook 2x a week and overlap so I have something different for my noon meal and one different for my 3 PM meal.

    I eat upwards of 10 eggs a day.

    Food is fuel- I vary it enough through the day it's not overwhelmingly boring- and I cook very savory foods... so it's all very tasty. My eggs I eat- the exact same way- day in and down out- for months now.

    Doesn't bother me at all.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    My co-workers laugh, but I scramble 3 eggs in the microwave in a glass bowl every day for lunch M-F. It's easy, cheap, and nutritious. I bring a carton of eggs to work. I have my bowl,olive oil spray, and a shaker of "Slap your Mama" Cajun seasoning.

    I don't get bored with it. I eat to live with my work lunches. Prior to MFP, I didn't eat lunch at all. I also now eat snacks! Often times the same ones. I vary my dinners greatly. The fact I am eating at all during the day, except coffee, is a huge improvement. This way too, I know exactly how many calories in my breakfast and lunch. It saves about 700-1000 calories for dinner. Seldomly are my dinners that big, so it also leaves room for chocolate and ice cream when that craving hits.

    *Edit for comma misplacement. Yes, I am one of those.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast mostly, rotate 3 or 4 meals for lunch and dinner. Its simple, don't have to put a lot of thought into it and it keeps me from having to look up new items in that hodgepodge of a food database. Though I'm always up for finding new recipes to try to add to my dinner rotation.
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    I tend to be a creature of habit and eat basically the same things everyday
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I probably have 2-3 breakfasts, 2-3 lunches, 5-6 snacks, and 10 dinners or so that I cycle through and rearrange in different ways. Occasionally I'll change things up but it takes me a long time to get tired of a food that I really like.

    I've had a piece of Oatmeal bread toast very nearly every morning for the past 6 months and I'm not showing any signs of tiring of it.