Anyone eat whatever they like for one certain a day?



  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    If your trying to lose weight, as long as your in a deficit it doesnt matter what you eat. However, if you eat bad youll feel bad.

    In my experience, the thing that makes the biggest difference to feeling good or bad is eating enough fruit and veg. Having treats like crisps or chocolate, or having some deep fried crunchy delight for dinner, does not make me feel grotty if I'm getting enough of the green stuff

    Of course you might want to make other adjustments to your diet, like adding more whole grains and protein to reduce hunger, but I would warn you away from strict "healthy eating" rules - a LOT of people find that strict eating behaviour makes binging and quitting more likely - and it's psychologically unhealthy to try and rigidly control any aspect of your life, including food. Life happens - you've got to roll with it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited November 2016
    If your trying to lose weight, as long as your in a deficit it doesnt matter what you eat. However, if you eat bad youll feel bad. If you eat get it.

    Depends what your trying to achieve, that determines your next step.

    I never feel physically bad when I go over (well, unless I really overdo it and stuff my face). My workouts are fantastic the next day actually.

    OP, fit what you like in your calories, whatever way you see fit.. but the bottom line is that you'll need a calorie deficit to lose. You can eat less all week so you can eat more on week ends. You can have a light dinner to fit in a bigger lunch... whatever works for you.

    But you'll need to log everything and be as honest as possible if you really want to keep that deficit - I can easily wipe off a full week of deficit in one meal, personally...