Please help!

I tried posting this on Food and Nutrition and got no help at all, and I would really like some advice on what I should do right now. I've been weight training for about a year, and I'd really like to build my lower body, but I have this layer of fat (maybe about 5 lbs worth) around my core that I've always had that I really want to lose. Based on a bunch of online calculators, my TDEE is about 2000-2400 calories. I initially wanted to focus on getting rid of my fat before building my lower body, so for a few weeks I was at 1800, then for the past couple weeks I've been at 1600 with something like 180C/120P/40F with one refeed day a week. I'm a college student, so I haven had a lot of time to experiment with my diet, so I'm kind of using a very general form. Anyway, I feel like I'm already losing some muscle without losing any fat. What I'd like to know is should I not try to lose fat first? I've been scared to eat in a surplus because I just feel like that layer of fat will just get thicker. I eat pretty clean (I aim for about 80/20), but I just don't know what I should do from here. Also, I'm female, 5'5, and 120 lbs.
As far as my workouts, I lift 3-6 days a week with HIIT 2-3 times a week. I have two leg days, three upper body days, and one glutes and core focused day. My schedule isn't very reliable during the semester, but I still work out 6 days a week. Any help is very appreciated. Thank you


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I see you are already at a good weight for your height. I don't understand your description of a 5 lb layer of fat. Female skin should have a proportionally greater layer of fat under it than the male, are you comparing yourself with the lads? I don't think you have any excess to loose at this point. I don't think you should be loosing muscle if you are working out as you say. Re-comp is not in my area of knowledge.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    If you are happy at your current weight and want to improve your body composition then it sounds like recomp is what you are looking for....
    Making adjustments to your diet is a very minor player compared to your training.
  • amiraryce
    amiraryce Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies. They are incredibly helpful!