daily planning

Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
edited November 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone out there use www.eatthismuch.com Does it help/work?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It is indeed useful to have a structured eating plan. I looked into eatthismuch (and other similar sites), got fascinated, and implemented the things I could do myself, but better, which are the things I find important - composing balanced meals I actually want to eat, avoid waste, keep a running inventory, and write good shopping lists so that I always know what and how much I need to buy, and when.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I never have.

    It looks like it would be fine if you knew your true TDEE and had attainable goals.

  • Baddogbeanie
    Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
    My problem is I get up and run out of the house to work and come home to whatever I can munch in the fridge.. It limits my choices so I thought prepare everything I need for the week on Sunday.. Lot of work if it doesnt work..
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Anything will work if you make it work. You can have a great plan, but you still have to decide to follow it.

    The magic of planning lies not in the plan's name, or in fancy bells and whistles and fees, but in the concept of making important decisions at a time when your brain (especially your frontal lobes) are rested, and then just do when you are tired and willpower is low and temptations abundant. Decision fatigue is real. Limiting number of choices is a great help, and actually a major part of any planning process. How to actually construct and execute the plan, is up to you. If the result puts you off, so you end up choosing something else anyway, you are back to square one. You need to find a routine that is realistic. Cook something that you have the time to make and in a way and scope that doesn't overwhelm you, and make sure the food you make is something you will want to eat when it's time to eat it. Then you'll eat it, enjoy it, and want to do it again. It will still be work, but fun and rewarding, not a chore you dread.