Breastfeeding weight gain

Hey dears, I gave birth to my LO six months ago. She is breastfeeding. Since I gave birth I lost my pregnancy weight then my weight started to increase every few weeks with nothing changed in my diet or breastfeeding. Now I am weighting more than the days I was pregnant. Can't stop breastfeeding, have been going with my fitness pal for 10 das almost 1500 per day and didn't lose any weight though my shape is better. Plz advice I am so desperate. Another question plz I will be starting solids soon along with breastfeeding only two meals per day, so hm calories will I require more can I shift to 1200 then ??


  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough? I am EBF my 4mo baby boy and I will be shooting for my target calories for 1lbs/week loss and logging my BF calories by logging it as exercise (500cals burned/day), which give me 2230cals. I will try this and keep you updated :) Good luck oxox
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    There are a few possibilities:

    If you are really, actually eating 1500 calories and you're gaining weight, then you are eating more calories than you need to maintain your weight. Eating more than you are now will cause you to gain weight more rapidly.

    Another possibility is that you are not tracking your calories correctly, and you are actually eating more than 1500 calories. Are you weighing everything you eat in grams, and tracking it that way? (So, no "2 TBSP of peanut butter" measurements - actually weigh the peanut butter, and so on.)

    Some people do not lose weight while breastfeeding. I was one of them (for all three kids). If I cut enough calories to see weight loss, it affected my milk supply. That happens to some people.

    I would suggest you make absolutely, positively certain you are eating 1500 calories before doing anything (time to break out the food scale, if you haven't already). If you are actually eating 1500 calories, you may want to wait until your LO transitions to solid food before cutting calories - it's not worth tanking your supply. If you aren't already, start exercising - a half-hour walk around the block with the LO in the stroller is a good starting point.

    Hope that helps.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Yeah we need more info. Are you weighing your food? Tracking accurately? How much do you weigh and how quickly are you trying to lose?

    It's extremely important to be accurate when you're breastfeeding. I would highly recommend weighing your food. Also if you don't have much weight to lose, it's going to take longer to lose so you may want to do a half pound per week weight loss.