Weight loss and motivational people HELP

karen061073 Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi im kaz
Back in the day before kids and i was much younger lol i used to be a size 8 a tiny frame
24 inch waist..... well them days have gone ..
Although i have lost 3 stone (13 stone at my heaviest ) which im very please with i need people and lots of motivation around me to keep this up so please if you need a buddy to chat with just holla x


  • roms78
    roms78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I am Hery from Indonesia, i just check my BMI, and i need 75 lbs less :D , lets all motivate each other for a good summer days to come :)
  • embraceyourinnerbeauty
    Hey,i started my journey about 11 days ago haha after many unsuccessful attempts but im feeling better for it! I always prep meals to keep me motivated so i dont snack too much! I do need to kick my butt to the gym though! Joined over a month ago and still havent gone! :s