First time troubles!



    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    To the original poster, I think I hear what you're saying. While not all the foods you listed are "junk foods" they sound to me like they are your trigger foods, right. You start eating anyone of these and you go overboard with not much control? I have those foods too. Most of them are are junky type foods, but I have been known to overdo it on cheese and bread. For my first month on MFP, they were definitely off limits to me. I just had to wean myself from them. The first 2 weeks were really, really hard so I made sure I had something filling/satiating in place. I'm not normally an apple eater, but at the time, it happened to be the high season for honeycrisp apples. I had one every night with a little bit of Trader Joe's crunchy peanut butter. That seemed to get me through. I don't use the peanut butter anymore because it is way to calorically dense and I'd rather have something with volume, but at the time I was having cravings it worked. Now that I've been doing this for about 3 months, it's definitely easier for me not to binge on those foods. I can eat a few chips and move on. I can eat some popcorn and move on. I can eat some good, aged parmesan cheese with my apple and stop. But I couldn't before. I haven't ventured yet into full-fat ice cream, brownies, cake, or pie because those are my TRUE weaknesses. Tomorrow will be a challenge to stop with them.

    So, what I'm saying is, if you are very new to this, it might be wise at least for a time to actually restrict yourself on these foods that trigger you to overeat. It could be at this point that if you have a few to satisfy a craving, you won't stop. Try to find a healthier alternative (and it's usually not the light version of whatever).
  • jacksonkris8
    jacksonkris8 Posts: 51 Member
    Oh! When my cravings are off the wall- i will brush my teeth and rince with mouthwash so whatever i eat tastes gross and i wont snack..