Emotional Eating



  • jenjen828
    jenjen828 Posts: 58 Member
    I usually log my food at night after supper for the next day or first thing in the morning. I get on my elliptical or do a workout video before I eat. I find that planning my food, and working out help tremendously. The workout gets me hot and sweaty, so I am not as hungry, and seeing the improvement in your endurance and stamina and meeting or exceeding goals does wonders for my mood. I find that if I have worked out, I am mentally ready for whatever is thrown at me. Not perfect on emotional eating, but working out and having a plan helps.

    Also, I have a husband who is not necessarily trying to lose weight. If he has something I don't need to eat, like chocolate covered raisins, I put them away so I do not see them. Out of sight, out of mind. I have noticed with me that if I go "cold turkey" from the things I run to when I am emotional, I am not as likely to want it later. Going on 4 weeks with little chocolate (except what is on my protein bar), no diet sodas, and no pizza. Those were all things I loved, but now I am not really tempted with them.

    Drinking plenty of water helps too (over 8 glasses).
  • tds030
    tds030 Posts: 5
    I'm a 4th year mechanical engineering major, and I have found that the best way for me to get through a quarter without stressing a ton is to stay on top of the school work. Don't procrastinate. I try to do homework as soon as it's assigned, and I start studying for tests when they're a week away.

    I cant speak for accounting but I can definitely say that as an engineer there is little time for anything other than school. I quit working out and dieting in the middle of my freshman year because i couldnt keep up with it all. Today I am 90lbs heavier than I was then. I now understand that I have to make time for my health and fit school around me rather than fit me around school because when I'm healthy most things in life come easier. Hope this helps...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Like a lot of other things, it takes practice. Think of it as another school assignment while you're in the mode. The ultimate goal is to train yourself to seek out non-food related ways to deal with your stress (lots of good suggestions on alternatives on here already). But don't set yourself up for failure. When you're in school you're probably frequently stressed out by deadlines, so when stress hits you might not have time to exercise or read a book for fun, and eating may be the only thing that you think you have time for. So have a backup plan for times like that--buy less of your go-to emotional eating foods, divide them into smaller portions ahead of time, and find healthy alternatives. Give yourself an "A" every time you resist the urge to go on an all-out binge to relieve your stress.