Ive been binge eating how to fix gained weight!

Flacco123098 Posts: 1 Member
Ok im a 5'9 male current 162 pounds i am around 15-20% bodyfat i recently went on a 5 week cut and lost about 11 pounds and decided i wanted to bulk again to gain some muscel my starting weight was 156 ive been bulking for about 2 1/2 weeks i decided i was gonna let myself binge eat untill i reached 160 but i did really bad yesterday and weighed in at 162 and i also on thanksgiving today over ate like crazy again so im scared that illbe around 164 thats 8 pounds in 2-3 weeks and im trying to lean bulk 2 pounds a month since im already pretty high in bf% so my qustion was is if i start eating at half a pound per week will those extra quick pounds drop off from water weight in the next few days or is it just going to keep going up from there continuing this bulk that i want to reach 175-180 in the next 6 months


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    What lifting program are you doing?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Don't bulk as you have too much fat on you. You will look worse, gain more fat than muscle and end up having to diet for much longer in the end.
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