I am back again!!

Good Friday!! I am back again. mmrstt4ru0c4.png

So far it looks like 20lbs are gone. Keyword is "looks". I will know the truth when I get back in the office and get my new scale. I have been steadily exercising. Mostly walking- but something is always better than nothing.

Take care and remember to love the journey. You are deserving of every good thing while plus size becoming thick fit. Never loose sight of that.


  • lindagrimm904
    lindagrimm904 Posts: 87 Member
    Miss Rose You are looking really good! It looks like you've already lost 30 lbs. I hope you have a Fantastic & Blessed Friday! Linda!
  • lindagrimm904
    lindagrimm904 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi my name is Linda! I've been here for 4 days, I guess that considers me as a newbie! I need friends also! I'm 69 years old. I'm trying to lose weight. I live in IN. I hope everyone has a Fabulous & Blessed Friday! Linda!