My weight loss is stalling....why?

My diary is open I beleive. Can someone tell me why I lost weight so quickly, but I've been struggling the past two weeks?

I expect this weeks weigh in (on Monday) will show either the same weight or lose 1lb...whats going on? I was losing 2lbs a week steadily..


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    My plateau has lasted 8 + months, it is never going to be the loss you had at the start it always slows for everyone and two weeks is certainly nothing unusual. That's why it's important to stick with it. Honestly two weeks to stay the same us perfectly normal. Good luck
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I can't see your diary but... have you had a lot of sodium? Are you weighing in in similar clothing at similar times of the day on the same scale? Are you doing something that may cause you to gain muscle, which weighs more than fat? Is your monthly cycle coming up? Are you weighing and measuring your food accurately and logging every single thing that you eat?
    Sodium, my cycle and just life in general will put me up a few pounds one week and then down several the next.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    cosmonew wrote: »
    Are you doing something that may cause you to gain muscle, which weighs more than fat?

    A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound... what I believe you're getting at is that muscle is more compact, therefore one can look smaller than another person of the same weight who has less muscle. :) (Although gaining muscle while in a deficit is something I'm lead to believe is generally unlikely anyway.)

    Everything else you've mentioned, though, is a possibility for the OP to consider!

    @CranstonJ2016 do also check out the thread that @jemhh linked to, it might set your mind at ease.

    Keep up the good work and be prepared for things to be a bit up and down the lighter you get... you'll reach your goal eventually if you just stick with it! :)
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    I do have a scale at home that I use for my food, and i usually log a day prior so I know what to expect the next day.

    I have been drinking club soda which does have sodium in it, AND I have been eating a lot of cabbage which, since eating it, I've found myself a tad backed up.

    I felt so defeated so I ate cookies :( I know 10lbs is something to be proud of but this stalling makes me want to quit.

    I find I've lowered my water too, I only drink from my soda steamer and its been low of CO2 so I havnt gotten my daily water intake.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    Don't give up. Like others said, weight loss is not always linear. I am just coming off of a 3 month plateau, after 6 months of losing a little over a pound per week. It is discouraging, but every day you don't gain weight is a day of progress! Just stay the course. Make small sustainable changes, keep making healthy choices, and know that over time you will reap the rewards.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    To reiterate, you have not stalled. Two weeks is not a stall and not something to get upset about. It is a completely normal part of weight loss and should be expected to happen.
  • hhof
    hhof Posts: 26 Member
    I stalled for about 5 weeks, but I didn't give up. I still logged everyday and worked out 3 to 5 times a week. When I went for a weigh in my weight didn't change but there were decreases in inches and a decrease in my BMI. So I had success but I should have celebrated that fact that I didn't go backwards.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    hhof wrote: »
    When I went for a weigh in my weight didn't change but there were decreases in inches and a decrease in my BMI.

    I'm a little confused how there could be a decrease in BMI if there wasn't a decrease in weight - did you wear heels? ;)

    But yeah, sticking with it and trusting the process is all you can do sometimes. Taking measurements and photos, and checking how your clothes look and feel, is also important. I've had weeks too where it seems like the scale is barely moving but I've lost inches instead, so there are other ways to measure success! :)

  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you all so much. I didnt know to expect a lull. I hope it doesnt last 6 months like a few of you were saying :( I'm putting in an extra day at the gym a week and dropped my calories to see if it will help.

    I do notice more definition in my arms and back, but its my kangaroo pouch that I want gone lol ugh! Why was it easier to put weight on than to take it off?!?!?!
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    There you go! Use it as extra motivation! Just don't drop your calories too far. The goal is long-term sustainable change.

    It is a lot easier to put weight on than take it off, but it sure feels better off than on! Stay committed. You will get there.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    I would love to lose my belly too - it IS shrinking, but much more slowly than I'd like! ;) Unfortunately we can't choose where the weight comes off, we just need to be patient and it'll happen eventually.

    And yes, don't drop too far... perhaps dial back your expectations a bit, and make sure you're eating a sustainable amount. You really don't need to change anything yet - as @jemhh said two weeks is not a stall, it's normal. You have no reason to panic. :)
  • Miss_TeganMarie
    Miss_TeganMarie Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost 43lbs since late June and I've plateaued twice. You just have to keep pushing. You will screw up, you will get frustrated, it will not happen easily or quickly, but it is POSSIBLE.
    This is what got me through my plateau:
    -Accept it. This will happen and it will happen often. Your body adapts to the changes you're making.
    -Increase your water intake. That's non-negotiable.
    -Don't obsess over sodium, but make sure it's below 2000mg a day.
    -Reassess your calories. Maybe you're eating too much or more than you think.
    -Reassess your workouts.
    -Take a diet break. Eat maintenance level calories for a week or two, then get back to your reduced calories.
    -Women especially have to consider hormone levels as contributing factors. Disregard the scale during your period. Don't disregard your nutrition/workouts, just the scale ;)
    -Toughen up. Don't let it get to you. Weightloss is hard and it will break you if you let it. Don't.