New goals

I am trying something new, I am going to set small goal for myself rather than large ones. I am tired of feeling like I am running and not going anywhere. I am tired of feeling horrible about myself and I refuse to accept that this is just my body. I want so badly to feel good about myself again, but I just can't seem to. I become so overwhelmed by my feelings of insecurity, and life that I ignore myself and my needs. I cannot do this anymore!!

I need friends that will communicate, we can motivate each other. Please feel free to add me if you are serious about getting healthy and making changes in your life too. This is hard and we cannot do it alone!!

So my first goal is to lose 5lbs by December 3rd. I will achieve this by eating healthy food, limiting my snacking, and being active each day.


  • morynne
    morynne Posts: 22 Member
    Katey, me too. I have crippling insecurity and it's really getting in the way of my relationships. I have made the effort to seek counseling, and get back on the wagon in cleaning up my diet and exercise. I will not allow myself to be a prisoner in my own head any longer. It's not fair to me, or the people I care about.

    Let's be each other's accountabili-buddies :)