Concern: Coming off a Juice Fast



  • keepitgoing86
    Juice fasts aren't supposed to be for weight loss, from what I've heard at least. You'll probably regain a decent amount of the weight that you lost on the fast because it was probably a lot of water weight. That's pretty normal.

    Just continue on with a healthy diet and exercise and you'll keep losing.

    My thought too, especially a 5 day fast! Yeah, that is what I have thought, I was just wondering if there was a way of continuing to loose over the next few weeks too.

    Thanks for your post! AND massive congratulations on your weight loss!!!
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    You will gain some weight back as when you start to add carbs, you will add more glycogen/water. But 1100 calories is not enough for an active body. The only thing you can do is ensure you are in a calorie deficit.

    BTW, how tall are you and work is your workout routine. And your weight is around 215 right?

    Thanks for your response!!

    Great!! I'm 5ft 10.5 and yep unfortunately it is. According to MFP I should be consuming 1400, so I have reduced it slightly and I am consuming approx. 11-12 grams of carbs a day. I do 30 min cardio, 30 min cross trainer, leg weights, sit ups and crunches. I try to add in another hour walk during the evening, but this isn't every night recently.

    Ok just asking, but why have you reduced it 300 cals BEYOND what MFP says to do? If you set your goals in MFP and said what you are hoping to lose, it calculates for you. Also, are you eating your work-out cals back? Is it possible you arent getting enough cals everyday? (reducing by 300 cals is not a slight reduction)

    Thank you for your post. It's not deliberate consuming food on the Atkins is very filling and that's all I have managed thus far. Not yet as I am starting my workout again tomorrow! I have no idea that's why I need help. I don't want to eat too few calories, I'm just a bit confused with it all! And tbh some of these posts just make me want to not bother asking advice to solve the confusion! Not yours, yours is helpful.

    Ok I totally understand that. I also had a hard time getting all the cals in. But it MATTERS. If you dont get enough cals your metabolism will SLOW down. Yes, people are rude here, Ive been rude too at times, its the internet, BUT, seriously, eat a handful of nuts, a qtr of an avocado. Eating calorie dense doesnt mean eating bulk :)
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    This is exactly why "diet fads" don't work. The minute you stop them the weight comes back on. A lifestyle change in a way that is feasible for the long haul is a bit more reliable. Count your calories and don't cut out certain food groups, but remain at a calorie deficit and exercise... the weight will come off. There's no need to do any type of diet to lose weight. Enjoy food!!!! :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Juice fasts aren't supposed to be for weight loss, from what I've heard at least. You'll probably regain a decent amount of the weight that you lost on the fast because it was probably a lot of water weight. That's pretty normal.

    Just continue on with a healthy diet and exercise and you'll keep losing.

    My thought too, especially a 5 day fast! Yeah, that is what I have thought, I was just wondering if there was a way of continuing to loose over the next few weeks too.

    Thanks for your post! AND massive congratulations on your weight loss!!!
    thanks :)
  • keepitgoing86
    Wow, just wow! What are you going to try next? Let me guess, a colonic or maybe some Dr Oz miracle pills .Oh I know, body wraps or maybe some shakes.

    Why not quit fooling around with diets and just set a food calorie budget. Eat normal food, in proper amounts, and lose weight if you need to. There is no quick fix and it is in no way healthy to do what you are doing.

    Thank you ever so much for your overwhelming support and kindness. How could I get through my day without your kind words! Please refrain from commenting on my posts in such a hostile manner, it is completely unnecessary. I would never tough diet pills, nothing is entering my bottom, shakes are manufactured and wraps are what you eat!

    Hmmmm nope no thanks! The juice fast for me was to go cold turkey and kick my bad habits, which it did completely. When I set my mind to it I can be completely disciplined and I liked the structure of Atkins! I am not looking for quick fix I am looking to change my life!
    There is nothing wrong with a short juice fast! However, you have a pretty large amount of weight to lose, which means to be successful, you need a reasonable, long term approach. It's one thing to crash diet down 10 pounds or so (still not healthy) but you can not lose and keep off 50+ pounds that way.

    Like everyone else has said, try 1200 calories plus at least half your exercise calories. Stick with that, keep working out, you WILL get results and it will be healthy and sustainable! Weight loss takes a lot of time, so you need to be reasonable in your approach! I'm speaking from experience :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for your post. I didn't fast for a crash diet or weight loss, I did it for control and it really has worked for me in that sense. I only lost 3 pounds on it anyway so I am not too bothered if I regain them in water weight. Thanks for your advice, don't worry I am a pretty smart gal I really am not planning on crashing to loose the pounds. I am finding a life style change.

    I will ensure I go up to 1200 and from tomorrow will ensure I consume at least half of the exercise calories. I know I will and that is exactly what I want. Thanks for the flower:happy:
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    You can do it hon! Dont be afraid of food, food is your friend lol. I have lost 50 lbs following the MFP suggestion and working out 3 times a week. I eat back about half my workout cals so lets say MFP says to eat 1500 a day, then I burn 500 cals (mfp says I can now eat 2000 and STILL LOSE 2 lbs a week) I choose to eat 1750 and call it a day. This has worked for me WITHOUT FAIL. Remember, you are already at a deficit with MFP. You could eat the suggested cals and NOT workout and still lose. So go ahead and eat :) Its worked for SO MANY on here <3
  • keepitgoing86
    Wow, just wow! What are you going to try next? Let me guess, a colonic or maybe some Dr Oz miracle pills .Oh I know, body wraps or maybe some shakes.

    Why not quit fooling around with diets and just set a food calorie budget. Eat normal food, in proper amounts, and lose weight if you need to. There is no quick fix and it is in no way healthy to do what you are doing.

    Thank you ever so much for your overwhelming support and kindness. How could I get through my day without your kind words! Please refrain from commenting on my posts in such a hostile manner, it is completely unnecessary. I would never tough diet pills, nothing is entering my bottom, shakes are manufactured and wraps are what you eat!

    Hmmmm nope no thanks! The juice fast for me was to go cold turkey and kick my bad habits, which it did completely. When I set my mind to it I can be completely disciplined and I liked the structure of Atkins! I am not looking for quick fix I am looking to change my life!

    The person may sound snarky, but you have to understand how deluded you sound saying that you just went liquid for ten days, then you eat BELOW what the MFP tells you to eat, etc. You are quite tall (Like me). There is NO way on earth your body can be happy with so few cals. Maybe just maybe people want you to succeed and have a funny way of trying to snap you out of it :)

    Snarky isn't what I would call it! Wow... ok. I went 5 days; 1 day juice and two raw veg meals, 1 day 2 juices and 1 raw veg meal and 3 days 5 juices. That is all! I am not deliberately holding the calories back, I am full. I will ensure I consume a minimum of 1200 daily. Hmmmm well that is not a method I work well with. I have snapped myself out of my habits and into loosing weight and this post was seeking guidance from people like you who have been successful. I really don't need that kind of crap.
  • keepitgoing86
    You can do it hon! Dont be afraid of food, food is your friend lol. I have lost 50 lbs following the MFP suggestion and working out 3 times a week. I eat back about half my workout cals so lets say MFP says to eat 1500 a day, then I burn 500 cals (mfp says I can now eat 2000 and STILL LOSE 2 lbs a week) I choose to eat 1750 and call it a day. This has worked for me WITHOUT FAIL. Remember, you are already at a deficit with MFP. You could eat the suggested cals and NOT workout and still lose. So go ahead and eat :) Its worked for SO MANY on here <3

    AND we have a break through!! That is exactly the GUIDANCE and SUPPORT I was asking for in the original post. I was unsure of the deficit stuff, but you have cleared it up very eloquently so thank you!!! It makes sense.... I get food is my friend, trust me. I just am trying to soak up the knowledge like a sponge!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You will gain some weight back as when you start to add carbs, you will add more glycogen/water. But 1100 calories is not enough for an active body. The only thing you can do is ensure you are in a calorie deficit.

    BTW, how tall are you and work is your workout routine. And your weight is around 215 right?

    Thanks for your response!!

    Great!! I'm 5ft 10.5 and yep unfortunately it is. According to MFP I should be consuming 1400, so I have reduced it slightly and I am consuming approx. 11-12 grams of carbs a day. I do 30 min cardio, 30 min cross trainer, leg weights, sit ups and crunches. I try to add in another hour walk during the evening, but this isn't every night recently.
    How often do you workout.. total nights?

    Just ran some quick numbers, and even if you only workout a few days a week, you should be around 1700 calories. The more you workout, the more you will need. But most tall women I know are eating 2000+ calories vs those who are short are eating 1700. Fuel the body to cut the fat. Too little and you will lose a lot from muscle.
  • keepitgoing86
    You will gain some weight back as when you start to add carbs, you will add more glycogen/water. But 1100 calories is not enough for an active body. The only thing you can do is ensure you are in a calorie deficit.

    BTW, how tall are you and work is your workout routine. And your weight is around 215 right?

    Thanks for your response!!

    Great!! I'm 5ft 10.5 and yep unfortunately it is. According to MFP I should be consuming 1400, so I have reduced it slightly and I am consuming approx. 11-12 grams of carbs a day. I do 30 min cardio, 30 min cross trainer, leg weights, sit ups and crunches. I try to add in another hour walk during the evening, but this isn't every night recently.

    Ok just asking, but why have you reduced it 300 cals BEYOND what MFP says to do? If you set your goals in MFP and said what you are hoping to lose, it calculates for you. Also, are you eating your work-out cals back? Is it possible you arent getting enough cals everyday? (reducing by 300 cals is not a slight reduction)

    Thank you for your post. It's not deliberate consuming food on the Atkins is very filling and that's all I have managed thus far. Not yet as I am starting my workout again tomorrow! I have no idea that's why I need help. I don't want to eat too few calories, I'm just a bit confused with it all! And tbh some of these posts just make me want to not bother asking advice to solve the confusion! Not yours, yours is helpful.

    Ok I totally understand that. I also had a hard time getting all the cals in. But it MATTERS. If you dont get enough cals your metabolism will SLOW down. Yes, people are rude here, Ive been rude too at times, its the internet, BUT, seriously, eat a handful of nuts, a qtr of an avocado. Eating calorie dense doesnt mean eating bulk :)

    Internet yes, but it is surely meant to be a supportive environment, I guess I was slightly deluded on that. I will add in an avocado, I just hate them. But hey, I will just suck it up (not literally). That was my original concern, but I similarly didn't want to over eat. I get it now. Thanks again!
  • keepitgoing86
    You will gain some weight back as when you start to add carbs, you will add more glycogen/water. But 1100 calories is not enough for an active body. The only thing you can do is ensure you are in a calorie deficit.

    BTW, how tall are you and work is your workout routine. And your weight is around 215 right?

    Thanks for your response!!

    Great!! I'm 5ft 10.5 and yep unfortunately it is. According to MFP I should be consuming 1400, so I have reduced it slightly and I am consuming approx. 11-12 grams of carbs a day. I do 30 min cardio, 30 min cross trainer, leg weights, sit ups and crunches. I try to add in another hour walk during the evening, but this isn't every night recently.
    How often do you workout.. total nights?

    Just ran some quick numbers, and even if you only workout a few days a week, you should be around 1700 calories. The more you workout, the more you will need. But most tall women I know are eating 2000+ calories vs those who are short are eating 1700. Fuel the body to cut the fat. Too little and you will lose a lot from muscle.

    Thanks for doing that! So... if MFP states 1400 for me a day and say I burn 600 calories per day in my workout I should consume at least half of those back or all to make 2000? I tend to work out 5 times a week, but 2 days are lighter. That's exactly what I am trying to avoid and needed the advice to help me with it, so thank you for that.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I know a way you can lose weight -

    Eat some food and exercise. It's magic.
  • keepitgoing86
    I know a way you can lose weight -

    Eat some food and exercise. It's magic.

  • jhstroebel
    jhstroebel Posts: 49 Member
    You've start your 1st post by listing a few fads in dieting, and throwing out that you're eating below a healthy point and working out hard... You can't blame us for questioning your methods either seriously or like many have in what you are reading as a "mean" way. I've seen people do all of these things (juice fasts, atkins diet, meal replacement shakes, blah, blah, blah) and lose weight. Wanna know how they are doing now? Back where they started or maybe a net weight loss of a few pounds. Now understand that some people are trying to help, but i'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you. Take the advice or don't, its your journey, but many many people have found success using some very basic methods and many people have failed using some pretty terrible fads.

    First, forget the juice cleanse... It didn't do much for you, and you'll likely put back the water weight when you get back to real food (you do plan on eating real food again right?)

    Second, forget atkins... I'm sure it works, and my diet some days is tweaked towards a higher protein, lower carb, diet but are you planning on sticking with atkins forever? Losing a large amount of weight isn't about a temporary fad diet where you cut out certain things and do it for a few months and TADA you're where you want to be. Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change... Make a change to your diet (food intake) that is permanent... Eat healthier, leaner meats, more vegetables, balanced meals, more whole grain, more organics, less sugars and high calorie treats, more healthy fats. Make these changes permanent.

    Third, want to lose weight in this process? Cut calories... count every calorie you take in (from that handful of baked crackers to the mini candy bar you didn't resist at work, to the 8 oz chicken breast you weighed and didn't estimate wrong at 6 oz) and eat your calorie goal. If you went through the MFP setup process and told it you want to lose 1 1/2 or 2 lbs per week it already calculated the deficit for you in its number... EAT THAT NUMBER. seriously... You can lose more than that in a week... I was losing maybe 10 lbs a month at the beginning but I was wrecking my body composition (sure I was losing fat, but I was burning a ton of lean muscle as well). Make sure you calculate your exercise calories and eat at least half back (ideally all of them, but estimates on burns can be wildly inaccurate, so if you're good about eating half back you're probably alright).

    Forth, diet is the most important, but working out helps by giving you more calories to work with and helping body composition. Lift as well as cardio (you indicated you were doing some weights) to help with skin elasticity and to keep Lean Body Mass. Run intervals and do circuit training for cardio (very speed and intensity to get the best results). Forget the crunches and situps... You can't target weight loss, do your cardio and you'll lose the fat over your abs... Focus on your core in lifting exercises, you'll get alot more benefit out of it!

    Fifth, you aren't special... This is hard to hear but you already made a comment that made it sound like this was needed... Calories in < calories out... its how this works. You are no different.

    Want more? The In Place of a Road map link was already commented on here... read it, follow-it, and trust that it will work, because it does. Don't get stuck in a fad diet, make changes in your life for the future, and keep this dedication you have now because it will want to fade, maybe not quickly but this is a life journey not a few month diet.

    EDIT: heres the link to the IPOARM group -
  • keepitgoing86
    You've start your 1st post by listing a few fads in dieting, and throwing out that you're eating below a healthy point and working out hard... You can't blame us for questioning your methods either seriously or like many have in what you are reading as a "mean" way. I've seen people do all of these things (juice fasts, atkins diet, meal replacement shakes, blah, blah, blah) and lose weight. Wanna know how they are doing now? Back where they started or maybe a net weight loss of a few pounds. Now understand that some people are trying to help, but i'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you. Take the advice or don't, its your journey, but many many people have found success using some very basic methods and many people have failed using some pretty terrible fads.

    First, forget the juice cleanse... It didn't do much for you, and you'll likely put back the water weight when you get back to real food (you do plan on eating real food again right?)

    Second, forget atkins... I'm sure it works, and my diet some days is tweaked towards a higher protein, lower carb, diet but are you planning on sticking with atkins forever? Losing a large amount of weight isn't about a temporary fad diet where you cut out certain things and do it for a few months and TADA you're where you want to be. Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change... Make a change to your diet (food intake) that is permanent... Eat healthier, leaner meats, more vegetables, balanced meals, more whole grain, more organics, less sugars and high calorie treats, more healthy fats. Make these changes permanent.

    Third, want to lose weight in this process? Cut calories... count every calorie you take in (from that handful of baked crackers to the mini candy bar you didn't resist at work, to the 8 oz chicken breast you weighed and didn't estimate wrong at 6 oz) and eat your calorie goal. If you went through the MFP setup process and told it you want to lose 1 1/2 or 2 lbs per week it already calculated the deficit for you in its number... EAT THAT NUMBER. seriously... You can lose more than that in a week... I was losing maybe 10 lbs a month at the beginning but I was wrecking my body composition (sure I was losing fat, but I was burning a ton of lean muscle as well). Make sure you calculate your exercise calories and eat at least half back (ideally all of them, but estimates on burns can be wildly inaccurate, so if you're good about eating half back you're probably alright).

    Forth, diet is the most important, but working out helps by giving you more calories to work with and helping body composition. Lift as well as cardio (you indicated you were doing some weights) to help with skin elasticity and to keep Lean Body Mass. Run intervals and do circuit training for cardio (very speed and intensity to get the best results). Forget the crunches and situps... You can't target weight loss, do your cardio and you'll lose the fat over your abs... Focus on your core in lifting exercises, you'll get alot more benefit out of it!

    Fifth, you aren't special... This is hard to hear but you already made a comment that made it sound like this was needed... Calories in < calories out... its how this works. You are no different.

    Want more? The In Place of a Road map link was already commented on here... read it, follow-it, and trust that it will work, because it does. Don't get stuck in a fad diet, make changes in your life for the future, and keep this dedication you have now because it will want to fade, maybe not quickly but this is a life journey not a few month diet.

    Thanks for taking the time to type such a long response, your time and words are appreciated. Thanks for the warning. I can blame people for being unnecessarily rude. I am asking for support and guidance, I don't need rudeness.

    I have forgotten the juice fast hence I am off it. It was 5 days to kick my habits not to lose drastic weight, did I mention it was 5 days. I would disagree that it didn't do much for me, because the aim was psychological and I truly believe that it has focused me.

    My issue is, I react pretty badly to complex carbs, bloating, sneezing, watery and itchy eyes sometimes and not too good in the lavvy department. My doctors have said for a long time for me to cut back and eat freefrom foods. I figured Atkins would work for me. But I will definitely monitor and adjust accordingly. I am not rigid in my approach I am very willing to listen and learn.

    I am really good at counting calories and being strict when I am focused. I use to be a healthy weight for a very long time, so I know what I did then to just before this weight loose journey. But I will ensure I continue to do so.

    I now undersand about the deficit... I was unsure if the deficit was my BMR or MFP calories, but I get it (that may sound crazy as MFP is already at a deficit, but I just wasn't sure).

    Thanks for the workout advice. I will definitely follow your guide.

    Ermmmm special... what comment made it sound I was stating that I was a special case? I know I am no different and I totally get calories in and out. I just needed guidance with them. I would disagree that we are all special, but hey that's me being warm and fuzzy.

    I'll check out the link... sounds pretty interesting.

    Again, thanks for taking the time much appreciated. And congrats on your weight loss, fantastic achievement.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    Definitely take measurements and/or photographs from all angles. The scale will jump around a lot, especially as your carb intake fluctuates. It can be super disheartening to gain 3 or 4 pounds in as many days, even if you know its just water weight. So have a couple of other things you judge progress by, even if it is just the fit of a pair of too tight jeans (not stretchy anything) or how a certain dress looks on. But be sure to take photos of how the clothes are fitting because if you try them on frequently you can easily forget how they used to fit and end up discouraged again.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Doe anybody know of a way I can continue to loose weight weekly?

    yea, eat in a deficit and work out more, less the ten day juice fasts....

    Thanks for your post. Ok, so when you say in a deficit I have worked out my BMR, which is approx. 2400 MFP states I should consume 1400... when you say in a deficit do you mean a deficit of BMR or MFP calories? Juice fast has gone it was for 5 days and that's that.

    if you are doing MFP method then you should be netting 1400 calories a day if you burn 200 in exercise eat 1600 - 200 burned = 1400 net...
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    The reason a couple of us have mentioned the road map, is because, purely based on its very simple formula MFP does a very strange thing, it will suggest you net UNDER your BMR. That is something that many feel is a bad thing. So really, do calculate your BMR and your TDEE and base your goals on that. Barring that, at a minimum, at least east to the goal MFP sets AND east back all your exercise calories.