How did you become your starting weight?.



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I was always very active. Growing up I was involved in many different sports and ran organized track and field from 2nd grade through my senior year i high school. After highschool I joined the military where I remained very active. When I was discharged I started at University...I didn't own a car for much of that time and walked and biked everywhere for the most part...I was also very active from a recreational standpoint...lots of hiking, playing ultimate frisbee in the park with my friends, etc.

    I graduated when I was 30 and took a desk job...bought a car and started spending 10+ hours per day sitting at a desk and driving everywhere. I never made deliberate exercise a priority because I'd never had to really do that before (other than sports).

    So basically I went from a very active lifestyle to a more or less sedentary one. I never really decided to lose it, I decided that I needed to get healthy and I wanted to be fit again...the rest just kind of took care of itself. I didn't really have to go to any great lengths from a dietary perspective...I always ate pretty well for the most part...I just cut out some junk and made it a point to eat my veg and some fruit which was one thing that was lacking in my diet. Beyond that, I just started getting out and moving and exercising on the regular.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Singlehood + too lazy to cook/fast food + desk job with no exercise + dating men who loved to eat = 240lb dragongirl in no time.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I was always on the thin side. I had two babies two years apart so I had some pregnancy weight. Then my dad died when my youngest was almost 3 months old and I self medicated on alcohol and food. I broke my foot in 2012 and was in a boot for four months followed by months of pt; I felt the need to shovel in crap foods and reached my biggest. After I was cleared from pt I decided I'd had enough and started getting healthy.
  • gojaqs
    gojaqs Posts: 471 Member
    I was a periodic yo yo dieter - about every 5 years I gained 20 lb and then dieted it off. Finally, my mom was dying, and I stopped looking after myself for a bit and gained 30 lb. Once she died, I thought I have to stop this. I joined MFP, took a year to get in shape and lose the 30 lb. I've maintained for about three years.
  • StepWise123
    StepWise123 Posts: 180 Member
    I became less active and catered to my spouse's eating preferences rather than my own health. I'm done with that. I went to the Dr and my cholesterol was elevated. I don't want to take meds so I have to change my lifestyle. I'm semi-retired and falling into a trap that I'd rather not!
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    Eating full fat pork