Confused about calorie goal



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    And thank you all! I haven't tried tackling macros yet as I am still clearly confused with just the calories. And I use my phone mostly although I am really enjoying reading the boards so I do try to go "online" sometimes as well.

    I really like the suggestions of strength training and have made a plan to do 30DS on the inbetween days of not doing C25K. I am on Week 7 Day 3 of C25K and still can't believe I can run/jog for 26 minutes non-stop! That is HUGE for me. But I don't see weight coming off like I want or it's always a fluctuation of lose a lb gain a lb and for the last 2 weeks I've been hovering at 188-190-188 and it's ANNOYING! I just know something isn't right.

    I do feel MFP overestimates exercise and yes I do try to eat back most of my exercise calroies but not always because I just am set in the mind frame that I need to have as many left over in a day as possible. I also signed up for a weight loss competition so I beat myself up anytime I don't stay within that 1200 goal. I know I'm developing some dangerous mind frame and need some advice about my goals and am SO appreciative of what you all have said so far!

    THANK YOU!!!!

    Keep in mind that large deficits can lead to more frequent plateaus and your "weight loss" can be masked by water retention as a protection mechanism. If you fuel your body, you should see better results. Also, I would suggest a real weight training program. If you like at home, I like Chalean extreme, p90x and body beast. CLX is greater for beginners too.