new member- a little backstory

taylorrenee2983 Posts: 9 Member
edited November 2016 in Getting Started
i am 18 & wanting to lose a little weight & get back in shape. i used to be a dancer and was always moving. but my sophomore year in high school, i started having health issues, which put me in & out of the hospital for about a year or so. i was never able to get back into the kinda shape i was in before all of that happened. but i currently weigh 179 & my goal is to weigh around 145 or so. friends and motivation are greatly appreciated! :)


  • Dstellwagen85
    Dstellwagen85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm 48 and had back surgery 5yrs ago. I went from 145 to 230 due to chronic pain keeping me from exercise. It's time to get motivated and moving...I would like to be your friend :) -Debbie
  • krisbrinmo
    krisbrinmo Posts: 3 Member

    Hey Taylor! I'm new and trying to get a hang of this app as well. Shoot me a request
  • chesitymcgee1
    chesitymcgee1 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me looking for friends