Trying to do it... again.

I re-joined myfitnesspal recently due to basically starting back at square one. Here's a little about me (which you can also see in my profile);
At 16, I was diagnosed with diabetes after getting horribly sick at school and passing out. At 17, I was told I'd never be able to have children due to my health issues and my diabetes being so horribly uncontrolled. I actually had a doctor tell me if I were to get pregnant either the baby or myself wouldn't make it, possibly both. At 19 I got married to a man that was abusive and I was so depressed, I reached my heaviest weight of my life around age 20- 265 pounds. We tried for a few years to have children, and thankfully didn't succeed. I was miserable. At the age of 23 I realized I had to make changes. I got a good enough job til I could leave my marriage. I went to work at a local prison as a correctional officer. Lost down to my lowest weight in my adult life, 160 pounds! I got divorced. I was doing so much better. Now I'm 25, remarried, and I have a beautiful daughter who was born in August. During my pregnancy, however, I gained a lot of weight. I got back to 250. We had a very rough time. She and I almost died. When they finally decided to do an emergency c-section, she come out not breathing and completely blue. I stopped breathing on the table. It was a very scary time for us and our family. Now, my daughter is about to be 4 months old. We're both doing so much better. I'm down below 200 but I still have a way to go. I'm really just on here for a support system. My husband is wonderful and supports me all the way, but he also is gone Monday-Friday for work 300 miles away. So, anyone up for a new friend/support system? Please add me, or post your story here and I'll add you!


  • doogledoggle
    doogledoggle Posts: 17 Member
    so glad to hear you and your daughter are doing better, scary stuff.
  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    Welcome back! I myself did well, then "relapsed" and am back at square 1 for the second or so time, meh lets not count :)

    Glad to hear your getting your life on track, I've had quite a few bruises, cuts, hell gapping wounds in life but you sometimes gotta go through hell and walk right through it to realize how lucky you are and truly appreciate yourself, your loved ones. It takes time for all that, I myself liked to eat and drink my problems away.

    I didn't experience exactly what you had with the birth of your daughter but my son came out grey/blue as well and his lungs weren't working. My wife almost didn't even get to kiss him but I forced them to hold him next to her before he and I were rushed downstairs to the NICU.I've been through some hard stuff in my years traveling overseas but I lost all my composure in the intensive care as my son was surrounded by 6 doctors, all working to get him squared away. I felt helpless and scared. I dreaded having to go tell my wife left on the delivery room a poor outcome. Luckily he pulled through like a champ and 1.5k weeks later he was sent home with us.

    Scary stuff, now he's just a mini me which is even more scary! He just turned 3 and is as wild if not wilder than I was(am?). I wish you the best of luck!
  • romahoney1
    romahoney1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Russ 37 in the UK. Like you am having a second time around. I had lost about 42 lbs about 3 years ago over about 9 months but stalled to the run up of xmas of 2013. Family with partner here two children I guess I got depressed and put weight back on again. Am 6ft2 and the worst weight iv been in my life was last month at around 266 lbs.

    Recently the Dr noted I had some high blood pressure and did blood work and I got high cholesterol so here i am pushing forward to try again. Got to sort myself out. Am doing the Keto diet what about you? ATM my last check-in is 250 lbs i need to be about 190 really so long haul ahead.

    Am glad your doing lot better now.

  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Congratulations on your daughter and your very positive life changes! I look forward to seeing your very successful weight loss journey
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    please feel free to add me. I'm glad you and your daughter are both good! whew!... I also lost most the weight once and am here for round 2 and could use a little motivation myself!

  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Hello from square one! It happens!