Where to go from here: Setting new goals help.

So 6 years ago I joined the U.S Army and spent the next 5 years in the best shape of my life. Then I got pregnant with my adorable daughter who is now a year and a half old. I had a super bad pregnancy due to on going kidney issues and ended up blowing up to 180lbs!!! Gah!!

So as soon as i got the go ahead i went to work getting my life back.

I set goals, reset goals, adjusted routines, macros and calories and kept motivated.

Last week I hit a metaphorical wall...

I had my father (retird body builder, now PT) take my BF........ and I was suprised and devestated...

15.6% fat...

And im a tree hugger so im still breastfeeding aka my body is hormonally holding on to roughly 10-15lbs of fat to convert into milk...

Aka.. wtf do i do now? Ive reached my weigjt goal, ive reached my bf goal... but i feel like i dont look as muscluar as i had hoped i would once i got to this point... i cant dip lower on bf at this point without giving up breastfeeding and i think as a woman any lower could be some issues...

Maintaining isnt a motivating goal... at all.

Suggestions??????????? I need something to work towards.....

Thanks everyone


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited November 2016
    First I will say, breastfeeding is a tricky thing, and congrats on continuing that long! I nursed my little girl up until about 20 months with no body composition issues.Now I am nursing my 10 month old and currently bulking. The only issue for me is having to eat more to gain due to the calories nursing consumes. I tend not to go lower than 17-19% BF comfortably (this is only an eyeball since I don't measure it), but how I look at that point is pretty lean and cut.
    But that is me and my body. Your situation may be very different. I have heard hormones can affect how you hold on to weight unfortunately.

    Ps. Why are you devastated with that BF% number? That sounds super lean to me actually. If you are holding on to as much extra weight as you say you are, maybe that number is a bit off?
  • LalaLovesPo
    LalaLovesPo Posts: 14 Member
    Really glad a woman replied. Not upset with my BF... just... lost. My dad strongly advised me after the caliper test to not drop anymore fat. I just feel so... directionless without a measureable goal. Its hard to be motivated when you don't have something viable to.measure progress. It started weight then became bf and now its just this demotivating dead end. :/ btw yay for moms who lift lol.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    if you have already lost to where you want and don't want to lose more fat, but still aren't as muscular as you like, wouldn't building muscle be the next goal? Gain some weight, slowly, and lift so you can gain it in muscle?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    maybe find some kind of event you could train for - give yourself a physical goal - a race or something
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I am also at this now what phase...there must be something you want to accomplish? A squat goal, a deadlift. The bodyfat and weight is just food...you can always eat more to keep that at a reasonable level. There is so much more to the fitness equation than weight and body fat, like strength! I myself am stoked that I can do a pullup and now want to do more and more of them in a row. I'm in just for the suggestions your gonna get maybe I will borrow a few.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I realized I didn't really answer your question, at all. You can always recomp or bulk if you want, if that is not something that interests you, maybe take a break from physique goals for the time being. Strength and fitness goals are always great
  • LalaLovesPo
    LalaLovesPo Posts: 14 Member
    You mean like weight and rep goals?
  • LalaLovesPo
    LalaLovesPo Posts: 14 Member
    maybe find some kind of event you could train for - give yourself a physical goal - a race or something

    This.... this is actually a really really good idea! Maybe ill try to start training for a bikini competition!!!
  • LalaLovesPo
    LalaLovesPo Posts: 14 Member
    maybe find some kind of event you could train for - give yourself a physical goal - a race or something

    This.... this is actually a really really good idea! Maybe ill try to start training for a bikini competition!!!

    -EDIT. I've wanted to in the past but i just don't feel like id stand a chance plus i have no idea how to do one :(
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i've never done one - but i'm sure you can find something in your area to start you in the right direction - google is your friend ;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    If your goal is to look more muscular, it may be beneficial to work on a lean bulk and then cut back after the winter. Or if you want to stay more lean, eat around maintenance and work on a recomp. Muscle gains will be slower but it will keep you lean.

    Also, keep in mind that calipers do have some error in them. And while they are more accurate than most, there is some room for error in them.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Yes, you should absolutely look into a competition there are some people in here (MFP community) that do them so they could steer you in the right direction. I am sure that preparing would give you crazy, amazing results.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    are you still in the military? Affiliated with it some how. They are always doing something, check with MWR or one of the many gyms. (I am retired Army)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I've done caliper skinfold readings and the results vary wildly depending on how many sites I pinch. Fewer sites and my body fat comes out under 15%. No way that is true. I've had Bodpod and hydrostatic testing done last year and I was around 20%. I've gained some fat back since so it's not lower than 20% now. When I do a 9 site skinfold test it comes out 18-19% body fat. So, it is possible that the caliper readings weren't as accurate for you, depending on where you carry more fat.
    I agree with looking at strength goals vs. physique goals. Aim to get stronger, lift more. Bikini comps are very much physique oriented and very expensive to do. But, if you have the means and desire to do so, go for it.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Yes, set some strength goals! I was kind of in the same boat as you. DXA and BodPod scans put me at about 15.5%BF, however I looked more like 17-18%. Since I didn't want to drop any lower, I set a goal to squat 1.75x BW, DL 2X and bench 1X. As well as flexibility goal of achieving a side split. I'm hoping to meet those goals by my 1yr MFP anniversary. I may not hit them all, but it gives me something to work towards. And I don't mind so much that my BF has gone up some (most days