Hey Everyone from #Alaska

CiaranAK Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Just saying hello to everyone. My name is Ciaran.

Except for a short time in my life (military) I've been overweight, and a smoker.

About 12 months ago I found out I had diabetes. Denial ensued as per usual.

Fortunately I've been able to get my head out of my rear and quit smoking 3 months ago. For about a month I've been messing with my food and now I'm going all in on eating right and exercise.

At my largest I made it to 310. I've been hovering between 285 and 290 for awhile now.

End goal is unknown as of yet but my current goals are simply get in the habit of daily exercise and maintain a proper meal plan.

I was afraid to do this for a long. Time, not sure why but I was MORE afraid to quit smoking. I don't even feel like a smoker anymore. I can't wait until I don't feel fat, out of shape and constantly sweaty anymore.


Hi everyone. I'm tired of being fat, sweaty, unhealthy and embarrassed. I already qiit smoking. Now I'm quitting the rest of this nonsense.



  • Terihockeysauce
    Terihockeysauce Posts: 2 Member
    Im from Alaska also! Im also hovering around 280 and I'm 6ft tall. I think I'm in the same boat as you.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    edited November 2016
    Im not Alaskan, ..but awesome job on the quitting smoking..I gave up 16 years ago..best thing I ever did....
    Well done.. :)
  • SheridanWild
    SheridanWild Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats on no only quitting smoking but also feeling like a non-smoker! If you can do that I'm sure you can nail the rest of this ... look fwd to sharing the journey. From Australia