Zaggora Breakfast Smoothies

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried these before?

I've just ordered some online and I just wanted some input and people's opinions before I start taking them. I probably should have asked before I bought them but it was an impulse buy!

I'm a young girl and I don't like the idea of all these weight loss crazes as I don't trust any of them to be good for you. These smoothies however seemed to be exactly what I need as I can never find the right thing to eat in the morning when i'm rushing off to work.

Any input would be great, even if on other breakfast smoothies as to whether you think they are worth it, whether they help and if what is in them is safe to be consuming in the long rung.



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited November 2016
    mbanks123 wrote: »
    I've just ordered some online and I just wanted some input and people's opinions before I start taking them. I probably should have asked before I bought them but it was an impulse buy!

    I'm a young girl and I don't like the idea of all these weight loss crazes as I don't trust any of them to be good for you. These smoothies however seemed to be exactly what I need as I can never find the right thing to eat in the morning when i'm rushing off to work.

    Any input would be great, even if on other breakfast smoothies as to whether you think they are worth it, whether they help and if what is in them is safe to be consuming in the long rung.

    Seems to be harmless, but no less a craze than other crazes. These products have a price. If it's worth the money, depends on the value it has to you. If you like them, they are worth something to you. Whether they help - you have to be more precise as to what they are supposed to help with. If you want to donate to charity, you could as well give the five dollars to your organisation of choice.

    Don't try to find the right thing to eat (it doesn't exist) - just get some food in you if you want to eat first thing in the morning. If you're groggy after waking up and can't decide, plan in advance, and maybe prep breakfast the night before. There is nothing in these shakes that you can't get through normal food.
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    Yeah i agree. It just sounds too good to be true sometimes. That instead of spending ages making breakfast, I could easily drink a smoothie and get the same health benefits.

    I'm just skeptical and want some reassurance. I'm not looking for massive weight loss but I know that breakfast is one of my issues in my aim to lose weight in the long run.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What breakfasts are you making that takes so much time? Normal breakfasts can be a sandwich and an apple, or yogurt with granola, or some breakfast cereal with milk.
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    Honestly, I don't make any breakfast. I leave the house and then try and find something on my way to work at a local shop which never has much choice.

    I've tried buying in things for breakfast but it just never seems to work for me. I always go off the idea and everything then goes off. I'm hoping that with these I won't have that problem to worry about and I will actually get up earlier to make the smoothie.

    I can't keep buying breakfast bars or innocent smoothies from the shop or even worse not eating until lunch as it can't be good for me!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you feel fine not eating until lunch time, there's no need to eat earlier.

    I like the predictability of planning what I'm going to eat, and I don't change my mind after I've decided (or at least, not that often or massively), so I just keep foods ready for those meals. If you are more adventurous and like not knowing what your next meal will be, that would need a different approach. These smoothies will become pretty routine in a short time. Just sayin', so you don't get surprised.
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks :) I don't mind not being adventurous but I'm also not great at sticking to plans unless they are easy.

    I feel fine not eating breakfast but I'd rather eat more early than later. I'd rather be getting in a breakfast and having less for lunch/dinner.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Plans' greatness is not defined by their complexity. You can make an easy plan. I love easy :D What's easy for you, may not be what's easy for me - but my breakfasts are usually 2 crispbread w/various spread, a small glass of milk, a piece of fruit and a piece of raw vegetable - I think that's easy.