Do you weight everything?



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    I just had a baby and I'm struggling to lose weight more than I have in the past. I bought a food scale to start weighting rather than measuring my portions. Surprisingly I'm already pretty accurate (i.e. what I have been logging as two tablespoons of peanut butter is actually 30gms).

    My question is - how much of your food do you weight everyday? Meats, veggies, packaged foods? For example if I'm having two slices of bread that is pre-sliced should I be weighing it?


    I weigh pretty much anything that is practical to weigh. I weigh my cereal, frozen veggies, peanut butter, meats, etc. Generally, I don't weigh anything that is typically measured in quantity. For example, I don't weigh mini Reeses Peanut Butter cups. I don't weigh yogurt cups (though I would weigh a serving of yogurt out of a large container). I don't weigh ice cream novelty bars (but I do weigh ice cream). I don't weigh pre-sliced bread. What would you record anything? 7/8 of a slice? 1 1/8 of a slice? Oh no, my 40-calorie bread weighs 10% more than an average slice according to the bag! My progress is ruined by that extra 4 calories! C'mon. Failing to weigh it is going to have absolutely no appreciable difference in your diet unless all you are consuming is bread.

    You weigh it in grams. That's why the info on the package reads, for example: Serving Size: 1 slice (56g).
    You'd record in in grams.

    And I've had calorie differences as much as 70-80 calories for pre-sliced/prepackaged items. When you are closer to goal or on a smaller deficit, that can add up pretty quick. A 40-calorie slice of bread isn't going to have that much of an impact if it weighs 10% more. But if you're eating a more calorie-dense bread or roll, it can make a difference. When I have bread it's usually at least 80-120 calories per standard slice, so I like to know how much I am eating.

    I wasn't, literally, asking how you would weigh it. *shakes head* Rather, my point was that entering things like 1 1/8 slice seems a bit silly and borders on disordered eating. If you really, truly think it's going to have that much impact on your progress then I hope you have a very expensive food scale and have had it professionally calibrated, as your typical sub-$100 food scale is not particularly accurate. What if your food scale is listing weights 10% short of what they are? What if the scale showed the bread weighed 56 grams and it actually weighed 62g? Do you also weigh sugar packets? Sticks of gum? Single Lifesavers or Tic Tacs? What about beverages? It's nearly impossible to measure out precisely 1 cup. Perhaps instead you should have 106g of milk. Weighing as much as is reasonable is crucial to success, but the key word there is reasonable and there is nothing reasonable about obsessing over minutiae.

    I wouldn't label someone's behavior as disordered eating unless it was negatively impacting them physically or emotionally. Given that it takes me just a few seconds to weigh things and then it is completely off my mind, it's hard for me to see how it has any negative impact at all. I don't use sugar packets and I don't chew gum. I do weigh candy when I'm at home -- if I'm out and about, I will just log it as an individual piece.

    It seems like this is provoking some anxiety for you and weighing may not be a good option for you. But for many people, it doesn't provoke stress or anxiety. Sometimes people can have different responses to things. What is an obsession for one person may just be a routine habit for another, about as meaningful as brushing teeth or making a bed.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    cuhris wrote: »
    I only weigh stuff that I have to (according to label). Weighing slices of bread or
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    I just had a baby and I'm struggling to lose weight more than I have in the past. I bought a food scale to start weighting rather than measuring my portions. Surprisingly I'm already pretty accurate (i.e. what I have been logging as two tablespoons of peanut butter is actually 30gms).

    My question is - how much of your food do you weight everyday? Meats, veggies, packaged foods? For example if I'm having two slices of bread that is pre-sliced should I be weighing it?


    I weigh pretty much anything that is practical to weigh. I weigh my cereal, frozen veggies, peanut butter, meats, etc. Generally, I don't weigh anything that is typically measured in quantity. For example, I don't weigh mini Reeses Peanut Butter cups. I don't weigh yogurt cups (though I would weigh a serving of yogurt out of a large container). I don't weigh ice cream novelty bars (but I do weigh ice cream). I don't weigh pre-sliced bread. What would you record anything? 7/8 of a slice? 1 1/8 of a slice? Oh no, my 40-calorie bread weighs 10% more than an average slice according to the bag! My progress is ruined by that extra 4 calories! C'mon. Failing to weigh it is going to have absolutely no appreciable difference in your diet unless all you are consuming is bread.

    You weigh it in grams. That's why the info on the package reads, for example: Serving Size: 1 slice (56g).

    This is pretty ridiculous and nearing eating disorder levels. You don't need to weigh a slice of bread. The average slice of bread from that container is 56g. You'll be fine without weighing it lmfao.

    Eating disorder, really? Dude, you likely have a large calorie allowance. Us shorties with low calorie allowances know every calorie matters. I've had bread slices off by ten calories. Protein bars by 20. When you eat only 1200 (I don't any more, but have in the past), these 10 here, 20 there differences start to add up.

    Not everyone is like you. It's hardly eating disorder territory when you're trying to lose those last 10 pounds and your deficit is only 250 calories.

    Tell me about it! I log everything, but couldn't figure out why the scale wasn't moving the way I was expecting it to. Then realized my husband was putting 1/4 cup of raisins on my Raisin Bran each morning (he does breakfast while I prep the lunchtime sandwiches). That's about an extra 130 calories a day. And when you're just shy of 5' 2" and trying to lose those last few stubborn lbs, that sure eats into your daily allowance.