Healthy lifestyle affecting my working life!

Does anyone else feel like when they focus on a healthy lifestyle they lose focus on work?

This always happens to me and I don't know what to do about it! I just spend all day at work googling healthy meals and thinking about what to eat and what to do in the gym etc. It's not good as normally I'm really proactive but I want to lose weight as well!

What can I do? Will it go?


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I started just eating the things I love to eat within my calorie goal. It was a simple thing to start and not add any pressure.

    As the months go by I've learned to still eat the things I love only now I've added "healthier" options. For example pizza instead of 4-6 slices I have a big salad first then have 1 or 2 slices depending on my calorie goal that day.

    So basically I just adjusted my normal eating foods a little bit in order to add more nutrient foods and lower the calories.

    Not sure if this helps you or not but try not to complicate it :).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited November 2016
    Just remember, part of healthy living is balance...I've seen people neglect their families too, and it's shameful.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I'd say make a plan and write it down (or keep track of it however is easiest for you). Plan a week or more worth of meals, grocery shop and prepare your meals as much as possible. Trying to figure out each meal one-by-one is time consuming so eliminate that as much as possible.

    Same thing with the gym: schedule the days and times you plan on going and exactly what workout you'll do each time. Then just refer to your plan to see what you've already planned to do.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Ish. When work is boring or I'm procrastinating, I spend more time on here, watching lifting technique videos, making schedules, planning meals, shopping for cute workout clothes, etc. than I should. This is a problem for two reasons:

    1) I'm not working. (Like right now. Whoops.)

    2) Because I'm *thinking* about fitness, I get into that positive feedback loop of "Look, I'm thinking about my health, I'm doing something right!" even though I'm not actually doing anything. I may be learning a few new things, but I'm still sitting on my butt rather than working out, actively making good food choices, or doing what I'm supposed to be doing in that moment - my job.

    Hopefully you'll settle in soon - you can't make the weight come off overnight no matter how much Googling you do. Get a recipe library built up, do your meal planning/grocery shopping on weekends, get on a workout plan and stick with it for a few months. Any internet surfing you're doing on the job really is just wasting time. Acknowledge it for what it is and get back to work. :)
  • mbanks123
    mbanks123 Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you everyone. I've taken this on board. It's lunch time and the first chance I've had to get on here.
    I think you are definitely right that I need to make a plan for exercise and food so I stop thinking about it.

    I just need to accept it will take time and make it part of my life!