Hello there!!

sgcorrie Posts: 22 Member
I'm posting here, I must be new :-)

My name is Steph and I'm a vegan living in the beautiful city of Portland. I am really working on getting back into shape and just feeling better about myself in general! I was laid off last year and spent a lot of time at home, cooking and eating, cooking and eating and it caught up to me.

I started the Couch to 5K program and am on week 2. Since I'm not a runner, it's been a challenge, but a very good one for me.

Thanks for reading!!


  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    hey! just wondering - why have you chosen to go vegan? i'm sorry about you being laid off... my cousin just was too. it seems terrifying and it sucks. my choir professor is moving to teach in portland - beautiful place! :)
  • sgcorrie
    sgcorrie Posts: 22 Member
    I was vegetarian for about 5 years before due to stomach issues and it was sort of a natural progression. I find that I just feel better without the dairy in my system, and I'm really not a fan of eggs as it is.

    The beginning of my unemployment really sucked, but then I decided to go to school for something I REALLY want to do (copy editing!) and I feel like I'm so much happier now, even if we're a little bit broke :-) I hope that it works out for your cousin, it seems the market is a *little* bit better than previous years.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    oh yeah hopefully it will. she was an elementary school teacher... its dim for teachers these days unfortunately, but yeah with time people will remember that education is valuable. i'm glad you're doing what you want to do though! that's the way to go.

    and cool about the vegan thing. so no meat either? does that irritate your system? i imagine that any processed meats would... i was vegetarian for a couple years and i've been having to eat meat before i go to indonesia where meat is served with a lot of meals in a couple days, needless to say i felt sick after i ate it most of the time... yuck.
  • sgcorrie
    sgcorrie Posts: 22 Member
    The tummy issues tapered off when I quit eating meat, so I thought, why ruin a good thing? Before I went vegan I tried some chicken my husband had and didn't think I was missing out!

    Are you trying to to prep your system for Indonesia? That really doesn't sound like fun at all! The prepping, not the trip of course.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Good luck on the Couch to 5K program. I am completeing the program next week, and it has been great. Most days I actually enjoy running, almost look forward to it. It was so gentle and gradual that I didn't get stiff and sore until about week 7. And that could be because I started adding some weight training to my regimen. I plan on actually DOING a 5K this fall when it gets cooler.

    Stick with it, it is worth it. I feel so much better now!
  • saintsteffers1
    Hi Steph! I'm Steph too! Well done on your decision to join, I love it here, although my mantra is slow and steady, its all about perseverence!
    I used to be a veggie, but fell by the wayside! However I do still love veggie/vegan foods and try to not eat meat too often (although having a carnivore for a husband doesn't help matters! he moans if his dinner doesn't have meat in it haha - I just tell him he can cook his own if he's gonna moan!)
    Good luck with your weight loss goals