Nook vs. Kindle



  • joe_madre
    joe_madre Posts: 693
    Nook allows for e-book checkout via an app named OverDrive and you can download tones of free apps from the google play store.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I like reading off the kindle better, and I wish I hadnt gotten rid of my kindle for the ipad. The Ipad is so hard to read off of with the glare.
  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    I love the Nook Smart touch with the internal light. It is so convenient to have the light within the reader. I don't know much about the Kindles so I can't compare but you will probably be happy with the Nook :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Love my standard Kindle for reading. I have tried the Fire and various tablets, but if you just want to read I would go for a dedicated reader. Never tried a Nook, but I guess go and have a look at them both and just see which one suits you best in terms of long-term readability, I use Amazon for a lot of things anyway, so I went for the Kindle simply to keep things all in one place and not have to set up new accounts.

    this go standard if all you are doing is reading
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    They are both pretty comparable. Nooks have the benefit of a brick and mortar store for customer service, but all of the customer service I've personally gotten from Amazon for my Kindle has been superb. From what I've read, the Nook has a slightly longer battery life and the ability to borrow eBooks from libraries, but the Kindle is backed up by Amazon's exclusive free book selection and is more streamlined and attractive (in my opinion). If you really want to make an informed choice, you should use Google to find an in-depth comparison; there are quite a few from tech blogs that assess the differences between the two in prices, eBook file formats, support systems, battery lives, sturdiness of builds, etc.

    Personally, I have only ever had a Kindle. I started out with the Kindle Keyboard and loved it to pieces. It recently broke and I had it replaced with the cheaper traditional Kindle, which is working out marvelously. Also, it can't hurt to point out that the Kindle Fire is essentially a tablet and is built more for graphic novels, movies, games, etc. It does not have the anti-glare screens and simple book storage that you seem to be looking for. Stick to the other types of Kindles if you do end up going with Amazon. ;)
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I heard via a tech guru that Kindle is more stable due to Barnes Noble
    uncertainty of product .. Idk's what I heard and since I invested in
    the kobo 3x for hubby/myself/mum and they no longer exist really ..
    I use Nexas7 and there are book avail with it and everything else. Memory
    is a whopper too!
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Had both.
    Kindle Paper White is much better (in my opinion anyway). Book selection is typically cheaper, better, and often times with offers free! I agree it is better to go with a dedicated reader. Easier on the eyes.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I have a regular (e-paper) Kindle and love it. The battery lasts for almost two weeks with daily use, and the screen is easy on the eyes. Plus I can read without being distracted by the temptations of the internet.
  • joe_madre
    joe_madre Posts: 693
    Hey, what do you know? I just uploaded the Kindle app onto my Nook HD + and guess what? It works great. I just need to load all of my books from the Kindle store onto my Nook and off I gooooooo...

    So, if Barnes and Noble is gone in a year or two I should be good.
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    I think If you are just wanting to read off of it, go with a kindle, don't mess with the kindle fire. I like the fire for other things, but for reading I always use my baby kindle (its the cheap one) only $80. Its light, ergonomic, no glare. I have never had any problems with mine and I've had one for almost 4 years. That being said my sister in law had trouble with hers, it wasn't charging. amazon tech was amazing they mailed her a new kindle right of way. I wouldn't let the lack of a brick store deter you from kindle, their customer service is good.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Agree with customer service. Amazon has the best of any company I know. I wish more operated the way they do.
  • joe_madre
    joe_madre Posts: 693
    Well, I can't speak to the customer service at Barnes and Noble. Only because I haven't needed it.
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    If you are looking for a dedicated e-reader. I am Kindle girl the whole way. I have enough other e- toys - but I am an AVID reader. My kindle is a single use item and i LOVE That! It does not text, tweet or Facebook. I cannot get emails or make phone calls

    all i can do read boooooks.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Kindle!!!!! I have a Kindle 2, my hubby has a K3, and I now have Fire. Amazon's customer service is SUPERIOR! I have over 2000 books in my cloud to read, and the vast majority were purchased for free. And I can easily download books from my local library. And the whispersync between devices (smartphone and Fire) is wonderful. I love that I can read what I want wherever I want, and switch devices with no problems.

    My mother-in-law has a Nook and has so much trouble with it. And the customer service is horrible. Our in store people can't answer any questions. And the phone customer service people were bordering on rude to her.

    Now, if all you are going to do is read, get a dedicated ereader, like your basic Kindle. I can read for hours on my K2 without any problems. My eyes get a bit more tired on the backlit Fire, and I am more likely to only read for an hour or two before I switch over to watch a video or play a game.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I have the color nook and the basic nook and I love them both. I use the color one to read inside and the other one to read outside since it is easier on the eyes. My sister has the kindle and when we compared she liked mine a lot better. I think they are pretty similar just whichever you would prefer.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think if you are only going to read books on it, you should base your choice on which company you'd rather buy books from. I use Amazon for everything, and ordering from them is easy, plus you can share content among your devices. Everyone in my family has a Kindle Fire HD and I also have an older Kindle. They are all awesome and I'm addicted to Amazon.

    If I preferred buying from Barnes and Noble, I wouldn't have a problem with buying a Nook.

    I'll also add that the Kindle Fire HDs are awesome tablets and my 7-year-old daughter uses hers constantly for reading and playing educational games. Amazon has a subscription service for kids that allows almost unlimited age-appropriate video and book titles for $2.99 a month.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    I heard via a tech guru that Kindle is more stable due to Barnes Noble
    uncertainty of product .. Idk's what I heard and since I invested in
    the kobo 3x for hubby/myself/mum and they no longer exist really ..
    I use Nexas7 and there are book avail with it and everything else. Memory
    is a whopper too!

    I use my Nexus 7 to read my books on too, along with my other two Nooks! I have had no problems with any of my devices and I read a lot of books!!!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I have the simple nook with the night light. I love it - have had nooks for years with no issues(this is my 3rd model). I believe BN is getting out of the tablet business, but will keep the e-readers. As folks have said, there are free books and you can borrow books with both brands. It just comes down to which hardware/website you prefer

    If you read a lot, do not get one of the tablet style, whichever model you go with. Get e-ink - your eyes will thank you.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    I have a Kindle Fire HD and I LOVE it. I bought it November of last year and have already read tons of books. It's easy to use, browse internet and watch shows/videos.
  • angela2k1
    angela2k1 Posts: 25 Member
    If you have an Amazon prime membership, I would absolutely say Kindle since you can borrow books for free. I loved my Kindle 2 until I got my iPad. Now I don't go anywhere without my iPad. I wish they'd let us use the borrow function through the Kindle app but sadly, it's a Kindle only feature currently.