Hi there

I'm fairly new...or I guess I should say starting over again. I'm 58 and need to lose about 100 pounds but St this point, I'm setting small goals and would be happy with 75 lb loss.


  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome and good luck.
  • leapyearcin
    leapyearcin Posts: 39 Member
    Congratulations for starting! :)
  • leapyearcin
    leapyearcin Posts: 39 Member
    Btw I just saw there's a another thread titled "Women 50+ for December 2016". Check it out?
  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am 68 years old and have had the same goal for the past three months, and will continue with that goal for December: 15 minutes 2x/day of walking (in home). That is the minimum. I like to do it with dvds, either my own, from the library, or from You tube. Also enjoy some stretching and light weight work. This is a slow journey, but I want to focus mostly on making better habits and choices, rather than just weight loss. So here's luck and best wishes for all of us for a healthy, meaningful December!
  • cjoy1022
    cjoy1022 Posts: 19 Member
    My weekly check-in: Sticking to my goals. Yesterday marked 100 days of logging on to MFP. Weight loss is about 10 pounds. I don't mind it being so slow, as I consider this a big lifestyle change, as far as eating and fitness go. Any progress is a good thing! Cheers to all of us who are just trying to be better!