Feeling Crappy after Eating Healthy



  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Along with everyone else said, I don't feel right without carbs of the grain variety at breakfast. If you're considering adding a few back in, I'd suggest just a nice serving of oatmeal to go with those 2 eggs.

    You'll note, if you care to look, that my morning smoothie has a 1/4 cup dry quick oatmeal in it (1/4 cup dry is one serving). It makes the protein stick and slows the sugar down (is how I visualize it, probably not in any way scientifically accurate), and the whole darn thing maxes out my sugar for the day, what with homemade kefir, frozen fruit and banana, but it sustains me quite well until a lunch with no complex carbs. And I'm still losing weight. I use stevia extract for sweetner.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    could be lower carbs.

    I personally couldn't do it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you're sure you're eating enough, try adding some legumes to the mix, that can often help the transition (unless you're also aiming for low carb).

    The South Beach and low glycemic response eating group would be a good help for you to learn about eating "slow". There's some good info there.

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    elenjay140 wrote: »
    Having done what you're doing 2 times now, my suggestion would be to add in some fruit. How did you arrive at 1250? Is that what MFP put you at?

    Yes, I'm 5'7, and weighed about 190 in December 2015. I was able to get down to 179 by April, but have since gained weight back to about 185. I've re-adjusted my MFP goals since then, and it still has me at 1250.

    My GW is 150, and I'd like to lose 2lbs/week.

    I'm also 5'7" and started at 195. IMO, 1250 cal per day is too low. Set MFP to 1 lb per week loss. I got down into the 140s eating about 1600 cal per day (more on workout days). With you having so little to lose, 2 lbs per week is too aggressive and you risk dropping too much muscle.

    Good luck, and glad you are feeling better!

  • elenjay140
    elenjay140 Posts: 28 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    elenjay140 wrote: »
    Having done what you're doing 2 times now, my suggestion would be to add in some fruit. How did you arrive at 1250? Is that what MFP put you at?

    Yes, I'm 5'7, and weighed about 190 in December 2015. I was able to get down to 179 by April, but have since gained weight back to about 185. I've re-adjusted my MFP goals since then, and it still has me at 1250.

    My GW is 150, and I'd like to lose 2lbs/week.

    I'm also 5'7" and started at 195. IMO, 1250 cal per day is too low. Set MFP to 1 lb per week loss. I got down into the 140s eating about 1600 cal per day (more on workout days). With you having so little to lose, 2 lbs per week is too aggressive and you risk dropping too much muscle.

    Good luck, and glad you are feeling better!

    This is encouraging news! I was aiming to be down at least 20-30lbs by my birthday on April 10...but perhaps that's too aggressive. If you don't mind, can I ask how long it took you to drop your weight? I'm happy to adjust my caloric intake if it means a more sustainable lifestyle change.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,092 Member
    Glad to hear you are doing better!

    For me, when I get nauseous and shaky, it's a low blood sugar issue (I have had mild hypoglycemia all my life, and no, I don't have diabetes). I've been on restrictive diets in the past where I actually had to up my sugar levels to not feel like crap (like you described) because complex carbs alone weren't doing enough for me. So, now I know to include foods that are a bit higher in sugar like certain fruits (bananas, cherries, grapes) to help balance things out for my personal needs.

    As much as a I prefer a higher protein diet, most standard macro ratios that lean "high protein for fat loss" don't give me enough carbs for my personal needs and I start to feel like the way you described. I actually use a balanced set of ratios between protein, carbs, and fats right now (which is more of a "maintenance ratio"), and just keeping under my calorie goal has still allowed me to lose consistently. It might take me a bit longer than others to lose, but it seems to be working for me without other health issues creeping up.

    We're all different, so you need to figure out what works best for you. Also, if you continue to have episodes like you described, you might want to talk to your doctor. For me, it's a minor annoyance that can be easily controlled by diet, but for others it could be something more serious like symptoms of diabetes, kidney or pancreas issues, etc. Always best to get checked out and make sure it's not something serious.
  • elenjay140
    elenjay140 Posts: 28 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    Glad to hear you are doing better!

    For me, when I get nauseous and shaky, it's a low blood sugar issue (I have had mild hypoglycemia all my life, and no, I don't have diabetes). I've been on restrictive diets in the past where I actually had to up my sugar levels to not feel like crap (like you described) because complex carbs alone weren't doing enough for me. So, now I know to include foods that are a bit higher in sugar like certain fruits (bananas, cherries, grapes) to help balance things out for my personal needs.

    As much as a I prefer a higher protein diet, most standard macro ratios that lean "high protein for fat loss" don't give me enough carbs for my personal needs and I start to feel like the way you described. I actually use a balanced set of ratios between protein, carbs, and fats right now (which is more of a "maintenance ratio"), and just keeping under my calorie goal has still allowed me to lose consistently. It might take me a bit longer than others to lose, but it seems to be working for me without other health issues creeping up.

    We're all different, so you need to figure out what works best for you. Also, if you continue to have episodes like you described, you might want to talk to your doctor. For me, it's a minor annoyance that can be easily controlled by diet, but for others it could be something more serious like symptoms of diabetes, kidney or pancreas issues, etc. Always best to get checked out and make sure it's not something serious.

    Wow, thanks for the great info. Since I've only been making a consistent effort at this for 3-4 days now, I'm sure it will take a bit longer for me to figure out exactly what is going on by making minor adjustments here and there.

    I'll likely post back into this thread in a week or so to see how things are going!

    Thanks again, and have a great weekend!
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Are you eating any carbohydrates? Please eat balanced. Check out a Mediterranean Diet. Have some beans, nuts, seeds, grains, fruit, a little starchy vegetable, maybe some dairy or unsweetened nut/bean milk along with your veggies and meat. If you think you need to eat more unbalanced, ok it with your doctor first. Yes, cut out the sugar and refined grains and transfats and highly processed foods. But eat. I have not cut out coffee, but now I drink it completely free of add-ins.
  • paige2390
    paige2390 Posts: 23 Member
    edited December 2016
    @elenjay140 - I'm right there with you girl! I started on 12/1 as well and yesterday afternoon was the first time I felt normal/good. My saving graces are bananas, cashews & pistachios(the lazy pre-shelled ones). My office is super naughty so cashews in my drawer is perfect, then I eat my pistachios on my drive home so I don't do something stupid before I get home to my healthy fridge.
    It's amazing how much crap we were putting in our bodies to have withdrawal like symptoms but I think we are through the worst, fingers crossed! We got this!!! Good luck girl!!