Need support

Hi community! I am just joining this thing again. I went to school for three years and gained 25 pounds! I am not comfortable in my body; however, I have a sedentary job and then lack motivation to work out after work. My husband and I seem to sabotage each other's efforts, and I don't know anyone in my new location to work out with...suggestions?


  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    In addition to the community here, classes are a great way of meeting people who are workout/fitness minded. From there, you can schedule times to workout together. Or if you belong to a gym, signing up for some sessions with a trainer is a good way to stay motivated while maintaining some consistency with your workouts. When I was working with a trainer, I found that I was far less likely to blow off my workout sessions. Something about showing up at the gym for someone else (rather than for myself) really helped me stay on track.