How should I begin my fat loss journey?

I'm insulin resistant, 495 pounds morbidly obese, and unhealthy. I still eat unhealthy processed foods, I drink water flavored with zero calorie liquid enhancers like MiO, I lay in my bed or sit on the couch all day long watching tv everyday.

I need advice on starting and committing to my journey.


  • mellecraquotte
    mellecraquotte Posts: 10 Member
    Well I'd say that you should start by walking a little bit everyday even if it's just a little bit !
    Stopping one unhealthy food at the time to not feel overwhelmed.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Plug your stats into MFP and start logging. When push comes to shove, it's all about calories, so eat to your calorie goal, move however and whenever you can. You will start to find ways to eat healthier and exercise more as you go through the process. Take it one day at a time, don't worry about being perfect, set small goals.

    I personally found it better to focus on what I wanted to get more of in my diet rather than what I "shouldn't" eat. So I focused first on more veggies, then more protein. You have to find a way to eat for the rest of your life that you enjoy, that is realistic, and that makes you feel good. It can be a bit of a process, but once you figure that out, you're golden.

    I think many people fail because they think it's all or nothing. My opinion is get your calories in line first, you can figure out the rest as you go. Good luck!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    In March you said you were 480lbs.
    What went wrong? Why didn't you manage to commit to making progress in the right direction back in March?

    Eat less and move more is the only advice you really need to get started.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited December 2016
    sijomial wrote: »
    In March you said you were 480lbs.
    What went wrong? Why didn't you manage to commit to making progress in the right direction back in March?

    Eat less and move more is the only advice you really need to get started.

    That. Its simple just doing it is hard.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    It may seem overwhelming but start small...

    1. Make up your mind to commit. Show up for yourself.
    2. Put your stats in mfp and get your calorie goal.
    3. Eat the same foods you normally eat but WITHIN your calories goal (log them) - Eventually you will learn what keeps you satisfied longer and whats worth only eating sometimes.
    4. Try walking 15 minutes a day. After a week try adding 15 more minutes keep upping it as you start to feel stronger.

    You can do this man!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Just noticed your name. Love it LOL. You can do it, Seriously you just need to. Many of us who started much smaller than you lost huge numbers (im down 65 in 6 months) 6 months isnt much. You could lose more. Thats huge. Just think about that.

    I didn't even exercise for my first 50. If you take anything from here its that calories are what counts, Simply eat less thn you burn and you lose weight. Go do it! :D
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Start writing down everything you eat. Every single bite. Do it for 3-7 days. Then take a look at what you are eating and, starting with the low hanging fruit, eat less of it. By that I mean cut back on the junk. Yes, a healthy diet can include junk food but a person of your size is 99% likely to be eating it in excess. Cutting back on it and eating mostly (80% or so) foods like vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, dairy, whole grains, etc. is going to be a huge improvement and help you lose weight without calorie counting. At your size, as logging/journaling your food honestly is enough. Calorie counting is not necessary.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Appropriate caloric deficit and better foods.
    Get enough protein & fiber & take vitamins.
    Ween yourself off of flavors and learn to enjoy plain water.
    Add exercise when you can and what type you can- walking & light weight lifting maybe- stuff that is low impact and gentle on joints.
    Then as you lose weight and feel better get more & more active if you can.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    How do you feel about fruits and vegetables? Sometimes it's easier to crowd out "unhealthy processed food" rather than swear off of it. Btw, I like frozen dinners (like Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine). I just add a salad or extra vegetables. You wouldn't consider them unhealthy processed food would you?
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Eat less and get some exercise. Walking will do for the exercise, for now.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    I looked at your profile it looks like you have been here before .. I echo what others have said set your numbers in MFP and log your calories , eat calories it says to eat .Log all your food in the app . One warning , for me weekends are harder because im home all day and not working , i would advise to try and stay busy to keep your mind off eating , After you start eating the correct amount you do get used to it for the most part .

    Good Luck

  • silver1103
    silver1103 Posts: 7 Member
    Looking to lose 30lbs. Add me as your friend
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Commitment can only come from within. You've been playing at this for quite awhile. There is no magic answer, no easy solution, no way someone else can motivate you. You have to want it for you - no excuses.
    This will sound harsh but I dropped our connection because your unwillingness to make any significant change was undermining my own journey.

    It is time for you to decide if you really want this. You are deciding between living and dying. That stark of a choice. So far you keep choosing dying because that is more comfortable.
    Choosing to make the changes to live are really hard and you have to have a burning desire deep down inside. And no one else can put that desire in you.

    I hope you find that desire.

    You've hung around here long enough to know what to do. But will you??

    Here's hoping you will and wishing you the best.