Need some motivation and tips

I have lost 50 lbs since I started 2 years ago. I was 200 lbs at 5'2". Now I'm 146-152 lbs range. I'm looking to reach 130 lbs hopefully by my birthday in March as sort of a gift to myself. My worry area is my belly; I know it can't be targeted and that an overall weight loss will help take it down. I'm looking for tips to help lose the weight. Thank you!


  • cataire3
    cataire3 Posts: 24 Member
    YOU MATTER, DEAR!! So your health is so important and your happiness!! You are loved! Tips that helped me FINALLY:
    Fill up on vegetables (steamed and salads), fish, seafood, nuts, avocado, lean meats, eggs, etc. Only use Olive oil and vinegar in place of other dressings. Only use Olive oil in place of other oils. Never eat butter, ice cream, fatty meats, fast food, processes food, fried food, sugar or white flour or cheese...except fat free cheese. Exercise, even if it's just walking, at least 4-5 times per week for 30 minutes or more.
  • m0niqueee
    m0niqueee Posts: 84 Member
    I think cataire3 nailed it! You're doing great!!!
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Just remember that:
    80% Clean Diet + 20% Exercise = WEIGHT LOSS!