Accountability Time!

Hello all!

I just signed up here on Saturday and have been debating since then whether or not to post here. Decided I could use some friends sharing in this journey, so here I am!

So far I am very motivated and working hard to reach my goals. I'm trying to create new habits and treat this as a lifestyle change rather than simply a temporary change. While I'm a bit embarrassed to say it, I have about 55 pounds to go to reach my goal weight. It's a ways, but I know I can do it!

I know there will be down days and days I just want to quit, so I'd post here and find some friends. I love cheering people on to their goals (though I can be a bit shy about it), and I'd love to have some people to who I feel accountable. I think I'm probably less likely to cheat if I have some friends I know are going through similar challenges and are rooting for me as I am for them. Also, friends are good for holding you accountable - I think I'm more likely to keep posting/tracking if I know people can see how I'm doing (or not doing....).

Um... a little bit about me, I guess? I'm a recent grad from a master's program in the DC area, now back on the west coast. I love music, Japanese language and culture, and cooking! (I'm always looking for new recipes!)

Let's cheer each other on, shall we? Feel free to add me!


  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome!! Yes, I've found accountability to be helpful and we are all on a fitness and health journey and yes it's going not be hard but so worth it! I have twice as much as you to lose and been at it for 5 months and only 20 pounds down but I feel and look better plus my clothes are fitting better and I've gone down a dress size. I'm determined and motivated but sometimes I don't want to work at it haha, so I look online for success stories and see how others have done it.

    Congrats on your MA! Also I love the Japanese cuisine and language/culture as well. Oh and I also love music, definitely the right kind helps me work out better (gets me pumped)

    We can do it!
  • Naririn
    Naririn Posts: 24
    Thanks for the welcome and congrats on your success so far!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello and welcome!!!
    MFP is a great place I have made a lot of friends who help keep me motivated.. I have had my share of down days but just reading the progress of people on here has been helpful... and of course I make myself log every bite so it keeps me accountable...

    Where are you on the west coast? I am from San Diego - live in Chicago and miss San Diego a ton
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome!! I'll add you. We can motivate each other.
  • tmp1of7
    tmp1of7 Posts: 23 Member

    I'm new too.

    Positive support is key. Small world--I'm from San Diego originally and live just outside of DC. I love to cook for others. I catered for a time.

    Good luck to you.

  • angelasmithhenderson
    angelasmithhenderson Posts: 23 Member
    hi, i'm also new to the site. im having a hard time figuring out the message boards and stuff. I've responded to posts but i can never find where people respond to me. help
  • Naririn
    Naririn Posts: 24
    Thanks everyone! I am finding MFP to be a good place. Been lurking around the forums and really impressed by how positive and supportive everyone is!

    USMCnetty90, I'm from Oregon. Plenty of places for me to get out and do some exercising in the great outdoors, I suppose!

    Thanks for the friend requests - I've added everyone! Best of luck to all of you, and I'm looking forward to us cheering each other on!
  • CFHutton
    CFHutton Posts: 2 Member
    I joined MFP last fall but haven't been committed. NOW is the time to take that big plunge and ask for help. I haven't lost anything because I can easily talk myself out the half hour at the gym or eating the ice cream.
    I was wondering if anyone else finds that eating a late dinner affects weight loss?
    Any help is appreciated including accountability to others.
  • nsquires3
    nsquires3 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there
    I also joined for the accountability ,,,
    I will friend you ,,, so anytime you want to check in or say hi , I'm on here all the time !
    I have found this is a great place for encouragement !
    So WOO HOO , good for you for making the commitment !
    Good luck !!!!