Will i recognize myself when i'm done?

Hi guys, so i recently started my weight loss adventure, i finally have the motivation that i was lacking and i'm ready to do this thing. I'm just a little nervous about losing my identity. I've been the big girl ever since i can remember and it freaks me out a little to think that i may not recognize myself when i'm done. I've lost 15 so far and i have about another 150 to go. Has anyone else felt this way? What did you do to get over it?


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I didn't lose much so maybe the wrong person to comment
    I don't see why losing would or should change you
    It's weight your changing not your personality
    Don't worry it will be fine
    Good luck
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    You're not going to drop 150 lbs overnight. You'll lose it gradually ... and chances are, you'll lose 30 or 40 lbs and struggle to see any difference at all. This may upset you a bit because, after all, you've lost a decent amount of weight ... why can't you see it? And you'll get used to the way you look at that weight, then lose another 30-40 lbs, and may not see a difference from how you were 30 or 40 lbs ago, and so on. It's because you are gradually getting used to the way you look. By the time you get down to your goal, you'll look like you ... like what you've gotten used to.

    So ... take photos. Take a beginning photo, and then take photos every 25 lbs or so along the way. That way, you'll actually see the difference, even though you may feel like you look much the same.

    As for identity, make an identity for yourself along the way. You might, for example, become the person who goes for walks at lunch, or who tries new things on weekends. If you're into cooking now, maybe you'll become the person who cooks great low cal choices. It's up to you! :)
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    edited December 2016
    Wow, that was frustrating! Typed a whole long post and it only put up a tiny bit. Note to self, save emoticons for the END of the post! I will replay again later when I have the time xxxx
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I've lost 62 with 70 more to go. I couldn't see a difference for a long time. I now can but I still look like me just less puffy :smiley: I haven't really visually changed that much to me but others keep saying I look great. I think it's gradual amd you get used to it along the journey.

    on a a side note I feel amazing and have so much energy and look forward to activity every day. it is life changing amd so worth it!! good luck you will still be you