Join a few years ago but....

Have never posted!!
Hi, I'm sooooo tired all the time!! If I drink a monster or iced coffe drink, and I have tried energy pills of all types, it gets me energized but after a few weeks, I feel like I'm immune to them and back to my tired self. I have to take at least a 30 minute nap everyday and sometime the 30 minutes turns into 3 hours.! I feel normal maybe 2 days out of the month, literly, 2 DAYS!! I try to work out 5 days a week but limited because of herniated discs in my back. I try to eat healthy and low calorie but my sweet tooth always kicks in! I'm the biggest I have been in years and so tired of being tired and unmotivated! I have struggled with anerxia in HS and in 2012 (it's a control thing) and I don't want to go back that & hate looking at my photos from then and remember thinking I was fat then...yeah I wish I was that "fat" now!! Ugh I'm just tired of wasting my days napping and and being unmotivated. I'm hoping to find some peace and resolution here!! So sorry to ramble but just wanted to get all of that off my chest!! Glad to be here!!!
::ok ramble over:: :) but please feel free to give advice, words of encouragement (even if it's get your but up and move) or what to do about being so tired all the time!! Anything is greatly appreciated!!


  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,801 MFP Moderator
    Welcome to the discussion boards. :) If you're feeling tired all the time, you may want to see your doctor for a blood workup to rule out any medical issues. A friend of mine was otherwise healthy but feeling tired, and her doctor said her iron and B12 values were too low. Now that it's being treated she's doing much better.
  • heartnsoul12
    heartnsoul12 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you!! I will look into doing that!! :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Yes, B12 was the first thing I thought of as well. That's an OTC supplement and if money is tight you can safely use that for a few days to see if it makes a big improvement without having to pay a doctor.