Fodmap for IBS and bloating

shalisa7 Posts: 56 Member
edited November 13 in Food and Nutrition
Was thinking of trying Fodmap eating plan as I am having bloating and Ibs symptoms which I have only had a few times but is now more persistent. What is your experience of Fodmap?


  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    A change like that sounds like something to discuss with your doctor. It could be nothing (and your doc will be happy to tell you this) but if it is significant, it needs dealing with as soon as possible.
  • shalisa7
    shalisa7 Posts: 56 Member
    I am under doctor at the moment and being sent for tests to rule out things and find a diagnosis x
  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    I've had a few tests so far, and my doctor recommended Low FODMAP at the time. I haven't had a chance to go back for further discussion but I've started already (only day 2). It can't hurt, I recommend downloading the Monash app (which is the university that does all the testing). It is best to work with a doctor when reintroducing foods.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I suffer from ulcerative colitis and tried fodmap for a while- it's not a cure for my condition but some have found it eases symptoms. I'd recommend doing it with the help of a qualified dietician as it's complicated and needs to be done properly. It's basically an elimination diet so you can identify foods which trigger your symptoms.
    I lost a lot of weight on it -unintentionally as I don't need to lose weight- and found it hard to stick to as there are so many things you have to avoid which means reading labels meticulously.
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