never sore



  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I've been lifting for over 2 years, basically doing the same thing sometimes I try a new exercise but im ALWAYS sore. It can last up to 2 days, so much so when my little Papillons walk on my thighs I cringe, lol. Never hurt myself though! It doesn't last more than 2 days.

    I'm pretty similar. Almost always have some degree of soreness unless I intentionally do a lighter day. Mostly the same exercises all the time. Some parts just get more sore than others though.
    (I also have little dogs and have had quad DOMS so bad I can't stand when they walk on me lol. I've found that a weekly massage and more frequent foam rolling has helped me be less tight though.)
  • charlieaulert
    charlieaulert Posts: 127 Member
    Try adding more exercises to your workout. I used to train 3-4 exercises per muscle, but sometimes I add a few more exercises and you can really feel it in the morning. I.e. on chest I sometimes add flys and press-ups at the end of my workout (Exercises which I don't find difficult) but they will fatigue my muscles.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Some would say your not working hard enough, however, some people just never get sore. It all has to do with your biology and genetics. I'm always sore. I can reach for my toes and get sore from doing that. Then there are ppl who also reach for their toes and don't get sore.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the soreness. If you doing the work and losing weight then there not much room for doubt.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You probably aren't stimulating the muscles sufficiently?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Well that escalated quickly...

    For starters, I'm not interested in being sore. In my mind, I thought going from years of basically a sedentary lifestyle to working out everyday, I would feel it.
    Apparently, I'm wrong and I'm okay with that. I was only asking a question.

    I only plan to change things up a bit because I've been doing the same routine for over a month. A change might be good.

    It's not that uncommon :laugh:
