HIIT Workouts vs Cardio Workouts

I have read that HIIT Workouts are more effective than Cardio Workouts.Are there any truths to this,I know that you burn calories after doing HIIT Workouts than you do Cardio Workouts.


  • wally2wiki
    wally2wiki Posts: 36 Member
    Yes. I have read the same thing. I think HIIT is better in my opinion, because it raises the resting heart rate after the exercise for several hours.

    This allows you to continue burning calories after your workout out. It is much quicker also.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Not to mention the facts that:

    1) True HIIT workouts suck. They're hard and make you want to puke and pass out while you gasp for breath and slowly drown in a puddle of your own sweat.

    2) What most people think is HIIT, really isn't HIIT. What most people are doing when they think they're doing HIIT is actually cardio intervals, which is a different thing.

    The EPOC (post-exercise "afterburn") is grossly overstated by most people, and doesn't compensate for the fact that the workouts are much shorter than LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio workouts, so they burn less calories in that regard. If you can do a HIIT workout for 30-45 minutes, rest assured that you're not really doing HIIT.

    This is informative. Cardio intervals I've done and never fooled myself into believing I was doing HiIT. You mean to tall me that's what people think HiIT is? LOL.
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    I like variety, so i incorporated longer runs, strength training, and short interval cardio (usually 1 minute sprints on the treadmill followed by 2 minutes of slower, recovery jogging). For me, this combination keeps me interested and makes me feel the most fit. But I only get to log a significant exercise calorie burn on the long run days. In addition to making me feel more fit because i sweat like mad, the interval sprints have made me a much faster jogger.
  • 603PIPER
    603PIPER Posts: 115 Member
    The HIIT workouts are great when you are pressed for time, you can incorporate weights and cardio for a quick cardio session as well if you do circuit training(multiple sets of different exercises with no rest in between)
  • jenluvs2sing
    jenluvs2sing Posts: 50 Member
    I've read that your body gets used to steady state cardio and you'll stop seeing results, that's why I do intervals, probably wrong but they work for me, I do 3 minutes on, 1minute rest, but my 3 on are always different. Sometimes I start high then work slower till I get to rest, sometimes I do pyramids, sometimes low then high. It's all about keeping the body guessing. I haven't noticed huge weight differences though I am losing, but I have definitely noticed my cardiac endurance is much better, and my resting heart rate is almost in athlete range. It's not just about losing weight, it's about getting healthier in the process.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I have read that HIIT Workouts are more effective than Cardio Workouts.
    They are cardio workouts, just a different type.
    More effective for what? (What are your goals? What are your capabilities?)
    More effective when compared what other types of cardio?

    Are there any truths to this?
    Very, very little. Mostly gimmicky marketing. Take a pinch of science and add a ton of hyperbole....
    Yes it has some value (often as part of an overall training plan) to many people but IMHO very, very, few people should solely do HIIT. It's a good last resort though if you are very short of time.
    It's also unsuitable for many people or a just plain poor option.

    I know that you burn calories after doing HIIT Workouts than you do Cardio Workouts.

    That's the hyperbole at work!
    A higher percentage EPOC (but still very low) of a small burn is totally insignificant. Remember true HIIT workouts include recovery time and the ultra high intensity portions are very short duration.
    Compared to steady state (even lower EPOC percentage) but potentially has a much higher number to apply that small percentage to - still pretty insignificant until you are into long duration training.
  • hoppy62
    hoppy62 Posts: 3 Member
    just as a matter of interest I was lead to believe by a personal trainer that HIIT stood for High intensity interval training which is a great way to boost cardio fitness over a period of time but cardio fitness does not necessarily bring massive calorie burn, this is achieved only by the long haul low intensity steady state, it was simplified to me by explanation that the body has to burn the sugars in your blood over a period of exercise before it can start to turn the body fat into sugars that are needed to function hence burning more calories so although there is evidence that HIIT is a great fast way to increase cardio fitness it isn’t much good as a calorie/fat burn work out
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    hoppy62 wrote: »
    just as a matter of interest I was lead to believe by a personal trainer that HIIT stood for High intensity interval training which is a great way to boost cardio fitness over a period of time but cardio fitness does not necessarily bring massive calorie burn, this is achieved only by the long haul low intensity steady state, it was simplified to me by explanation that the body has to burn the sugars in your blood over a period of exercise before it can start to turn the body fat into sugars that are needed to function hence burning more calories so although there is evidence that HIIT is a great fast way to increase cardio fitness it isn’t much good as a calorie/fat burn work out

    Think about this for a minute. Why does it matter if the calories you are burning are from sugars, glycogen or fat stores. Whichever you burn will be the first to be replenished from calories consumed. So, aside from burning more calories from working out longer, it doesn't matter, or it doesn't matter enough to make a difference. There may be some different inefficiencies in how fat/glycogen/sugars are restored, but it isn't material.

    Having said that, I don't do HIIT. Best I do is cardio intervals on the treadmill. HIIT requires near 100% effort for a minute or two at a time and just seems too much for me.
  • dfc4
    dfc4 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi i do a mixture of both, most of my cardio stuff is intervall training but not intense enough to be HIIT, 2 - (max) 3 times a week i do a HIIT session (6 -8 sets of full intensity work for 30 Seconds with 30 seconds active rest between sets) if you do HIIT right you will not really be capable of much more then thet, in fact you will be absolouteley jiggered and probalbly think you are going to die!
    Anything less then thet intensity and you are not doing HIIT
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have a feeling true HiIT would trigger a migraine for me. I know that lifting very heavy does.
  • ashjongfit
    ashjongfit Posts: 147 Member
    For 15-20 minutes of HIIT (80-90 percent of my max heart rate) I would burn the same amount as doing a 30 minute steady state cardio workout. SO I enjoy HIIT for that, however it sucks and I don't do it more than three times a week.

    I don't find HIIT has ever helped with my cardio endurance. So I like to do a mixture of cardio some days (hate pretty much all cardio and HIIT tbh) and HIIT a few times and weight lifting. If you want an "after burn" weight lifting would be better for you I'd assume, since muscle burns more calories than fat anyway.

    I figure you'd basically have no way of really knowing what an after burn effect would grant you in terms of extra calories so really just pick something you like doing, or the least objectionable activity.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    edited December 2016
    evangemz90 wrote: »
    I have read that HIIT Workouts are more effective than Cardio Workouts.
    Depends on what you define as effective. There are HIIT workouts that are weight lifting only (power lifting) and don't increase your cardio endurance much.
    Are there any truths to this,I know that you burn calories after doing HIIT Workouts than you do Cardio Workouts.
    EPOC is highly exaggerated. While you may raise your resting metabolic rate, if weight loss is your goal, it still comes down to CICO.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    wally2wiki wrote: »
    Yes. I have read the same thing. I think HIIT is better in my opinion, because it raises the resting heart rate after the exercise for several hours.

    This allows you to continue burning calories after your workout out. It is much quicker also.
    False. As mentioned epoc is highly exaggerated.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I've read that your body gets used to steady state cardio and you'll stop seeing results, that's why I do intervals, probably wrong but they work for me, I do 3 minutes on, 1minute rest, but my 3 on are always different. Sometimes I start high then work slower till I get to rest, sometimes I do pyramids, sometimes low then high. It's all about keeping the body guessing. I haven't noticed huge weight differences though I am losing, but I have definitely noticed my cardiac endurance is much better, and my resting heart rate is almost in athlete range. It's not just about losing weight, it's about getting healthier in the process.
    The body adapts to ANY EXERCISE if done consistent and long enough with no change. So you want to make steady state a little more difficult? Move faster than before.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
