So how did YOU lose weight?



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I weigh everything I eat to make sure I eat at a deficit. Sometimes I exercise. Down 35+ lbs so far (out of 100).
  • ashjongfit
    ashjongfit Posts: 147 Member
    I lost 150 lbs by using portion control, counting calories, working out. Eating things I like still and just eating calorie dense treats less often. I had lots of times where I gave up for a few weeks and a few times were I gained some back. There is no secret, figure out what works for you and do it.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I needed to change my macros. I failed miserably on a "balanced" diet because my hunger/cravings was too high, and it did nothing for my blood glucose levels.

    I switched to a very low carb high fat ketogenic diet and I finally found a way of eating that blunted my hunger. The only time I gain weight is if I choose to eat more carbs, and consequently my calories go up... and my hunger and cravings go up and so I eat more...I find it difficult to stop that cycle. Keeping carbs low keeps it easy, past the first day or two anyways.
  • Showthyme
    Showthyme Posts: 23 Member
    Weigh every day
    Weigh food on the scale
    Include the tastes or bites that I eat from other people's plates
    Post my current weight and my 5 pound monthly goal on my refrigerator
    Always have a measured portion of soup in the freezer so I cannot use the excuse that there is no food in the house or I don't have time to cook
    Take lunch to work
    Drink hot lemon water in the morning
    Tell people that I am dieting when I get asked to eat out or go to their home to eat
    Have dark chocolate squares in the freezer for an occasional treat
    Limit carbs
    Take supplements
    Do not add back exercise calories but allow for extra protein if I am hungry
    Remind myself that I am losing weight and saving money by eating cleaner and preparing my own food

  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I always eat a 500 or so calorie lunch and then go for a walk, And after lunch i pre plan the rest of my night. So i feel good and full still, And i know how many calories i burned so i can wiggle in some yummy stuff, Or feel so good after walking i dont want to waste all the calories and find ill be just fine hitting 1200 only. I found it the best for me to start my day with a little bit of a splurge unplanned meal to make me feel less strict. And always made me walk harder
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    No secrets here, either. I entered my weight, estimated activity level, and weight loss goal on MFP, got a digital kitchen scale, started to weigh and measure my food (weight for solids, measuring cups for liquids), and tracked my weight every morning (using to calculate the trend).

    The only thing else I did that trips up a lot of people: After a month, I compared my results to my weight loss goal and realized that I was only losing 1.1 lb./week, not the 1.5 lb./week I had targeted. That meant I was missing 200 calories a day in my logging (food, exercise, or both), or that my activity level was too high. Rather than tighten up logging I just set my activity level down a notch, and that fixed the problem.

    A lot of people forget that these numbers are all estimates, and that you need to adjust them based on results. Otherwise you can fool yourself into thinking that you're some special snowflake whose body is miraculously free from the laws of thermodynamics.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Power400 wrote: »
    I'm curious to know some of your weight loss secrets that I can use to help myself ;)

    My secret? I make sure I ate less calories than I burned. Each person has to find their own method to ensure a calorie deficit, so I did this by weighing food, logging everything I consumed, logging cardio calories burned, and being as accurate as posdible.

    Accuracy is key to weight management, whether you want to lose,gain or maintain.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Alternate day fasting, eating 1200 one day and 500 the next :s

    I wouldn't recommend it, but it gets the job done. It makes figuring out calories to maintain without gaining weight back a complete pain as you don't really learn much by starving yourself the best part of a year,

    Hopefully you are not doing this now. If you are, you need to increase your calories on your non If days. You need to reach your calorie goals weekly rather than daily. With 500 and 1200, you are averaging about 900 calories a day.

    OP, please dont do this.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Eat less than TDEE
    Eat more than BMR
    Count calories
    Weigh and track food
    Get enough protein
    Get enough fiber
    Eat mostly healthy but have treat foods too (within calories limit)
    Cheat days are ok but try to keep them at no more calories than maintenance and only 1 per week
    Lift weights
    Do hiit cardio
    Have rest days too (2 or 3 per week is good for me)
    When you reach your weight loss goal it's time to focus on maintenance as a goal (not just go back to your old ways)
    Keep it simple, don't overthink or over complicate things
  • brokenstar1
    brokenstar1 Posts: 4 Member
    I did once! 9 months after baby I realised I was still as heavy. Did "Kellog's K diet". Cereals twice per day. Plus one small meal. Only snacks allowed were fruit.
    Did as many press ups plus sit ups as poss, plus 15 min jog.
    Lost 1.5 stone in 2 weeks and it stayed off.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited December 2016
    Alternate day fasting, eating 1200 one day and 500 the next :s

    I wouldn't recommend it, but it gets the job done. It makes figuring out calories to maintain without gaining weight back a complete pain as you don't really learn much by starving yourself the best part of a year,

    I also did alternate day IF and your calories don't sound right-what are your current stats? You're supposed to alternate between very low calorie days (500 or less), and then Maintenance level calorie days. Why are you eating 1,200 calories on those days?
  • Lynfitforlife
    Lynfitforlife Posts: 4 Member
    Weight lifting and cardio have been the keys to my 34 pounds lost so far with 68 to go. It makes me feel powerful and makes me want to eat well and not undo the good I am doing. Depending on how I feel that day, I might swim, walk/jog, the stair climber, rowing, the elliptical, or bike. My goal right now is to burn about 400 calories a day at the gym 5 or 6 days a week.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Green tea extract, juice fat and a tea detox all helped me to lose 15lbs in 4 days.
  • glenelliott5872
    glenelliott5872 Posts: 150 Member
    Eat less, move more