Belly fat?

I have the worst body shape.... big on top n skinny on bottom... my belly/gut is what's making it odd... i know theres no magic to get rid of it quickly but is there something any of you tried that helped or if anyone has any ideas??? Please help!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yep, calorie deficit. I have the same body shape so you have my sympathies. If you are not already, consider lifting weights. It helps with body shape. Doesn't fix it entirely but it helps.
  • TreyTnt9
    TreyTnt9 Posts: 104 Member
    edited December 2016
    Belly fat, keto, and detox threads. What MFP boards are all about. *sigh*
  • ashjongfit
    ashjongfit Posts: 147 Member
    My belly is larger than the rest of me due to being very obese and having a c section so I feel you there. Strength training and calorie deficit. I do find when I do yoga daily my sides and belly seem to look smaller then when I don't? Maybe I hold in my core more? Not sure!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
  • oorie
    oorie Posts: 31 Member
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.
  • irandra23
    irandra23 Posts: 35 Member
    edited December 2016
    my gym instructor says running is the best belly fat burner so if your working out, you could try that as well.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    oorie wrote: »
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.

    If your cut in carbs helps you incur a calorie deficit, it will help you lose your excess stomach fat. If it does not end in a deficit, the loss you see will be lost water weight, which will return as soon as you up your carbs again.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    irandra23 wrote: »
    my gym instructor says running is the best belly fat burner so if your working out, you could try that as well.


    Your gym instructor is a typical gym idiot. A calorie deficit is all that works to reduce fat.

    ^^ LOL +1
  • oorie
    oorie Posts: 31 Member
    edited December 2016
    oorie wrote: »
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.

    Were you reading the responses at all? C-a-l-o-r-i-e d-e-f-i-c-i-t. There are no exercises, fad diets, infomercial gadgets, macro manipulation (e.g. low carbs) or magic pixie dust that is going to reduce belly fat.

    Yea i read that.....thanks for spelling it out for me.. i was stateing what i'm trying to do to keep myself from gaining belly fat because carbs are my weakness and that whatever i'm doing working out or diet i just keep losing in my legs... i under stand theres no magic pill or a certain exercise . That's why if you read my question it asks if anyone tried something that i would be able to try that maybe might help. I am losing weight I've lost 30 pounds... my question wasent how to lose weight..

  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Agree with everyone above.. calorie deficit to reduce body fat and weight, exercise to build muscle, and the most important thing... patience. I've been at this for well over 600 days and still have a tiny bit of fat in my midsection around my belly button that drives me crazy. It'll go away, but the loose skin may be there forever. The sooner you reduce the fat the less chance you'll have of the leftover skin not going away. So get started now, expect a complete transformation to take years and don't get discouraged. ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Maybe something in this awesome chart can help...

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    oorie wrote: »
    oorie wrote: »
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.

    Were you reading the responses at all? C-a-l-o-r-i-e d-e-f-i-c-i-t. There are no exercises, fad diets, infomercial gadgets, macro manipulation (e.g. low carbs) or magic pixie dust that is going to reduce belly fat.

    Yea i read that.....thanks for spelling it out for me.. i was stateing what i'm trying to do to keep myself from gaining belly fat because carbs are my weakness and that whatever i'm doing working out or diet i just keep losing in my legs... i under stand theres no magic pill or a certain exercise . That's why if you read my question it asks if anyone tried something that i would be able to try that maybe might help. I am losing weight I've lost 30 pounds... my question wasent how to lose weight..

    I lose weight in face and stomach first, then finally it comes off my butt and legs. I wish it would come off my butt and thighs first but that just isn't how it works. Doesn't matter what form of exercise, or what I ate, that is just how it works. Keep losing and it will eventually come off your stomach, albeit it may be a long journey. Unfortunately your trouble areas, and everyone has them, can be a nightmare.

    You will not find an answer that will help you. Someone may tell you that they tried 'this' and it worked, but that worked on them because that is what their genetics dictate. Anyone can lose weight, but you can't dictate where, it will come off from. This has been proven over and over again.

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    oorie wrote: »
    oorie wrote: »
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.

    Were you reading the responses at all? C-a-l-o-r-i-e d-e-f-i-c-i-t. There are no exercises, fad diets, infomercial gadgets, macro manipulation (e.g. low carbs) or magic pixie dust that is going to reduce belly fat.

    Yea i read that.....thanks for spelling it out for me.. i was stateing what i'm trying to do to keep myself from gaining belly fat because carbs are my weakness and that whatever i'm doing working out or diet i just keep losing in my legs... i under stand theres no magic pill or a certain exercise . That's why if you read my question it asks if anyone tried something that i would be able to try that maybe might help. I am losing weight I've lost 30 pounds... my question wasent how to lose weight..

    I lose weight in face and stomach first, then finally it comes off my butt and legs. I wish it would come off my butt and thighs first but that just isn't how it works. Doesn't matter what form of exercise, or what I ate, that is just how it works. Keep losing and it will eventually come off your stomach, albeit it may be a long journey. Unfortunately your trouble areas, and everyone has them, can be a nightmare.

    You will not find an answer that will help you. Someone may tell you that they tried 'this' and it worked, but that worked on them because that is what their genetics dictate. Anyone can lose weight, but you can't dictate where, it will come off from. This has been proven over and over again.

    ^^ Amen. And you won't be able to stop your legs from getting smaller as you try to decrease your belly. By strength training you might be able to build your legs up a bit so they don't look so out of proportion. You have my sympathy as someone with the opposite problem. I store my fat in my thighs and right below my belly button. In order to get my legs where I want them, I would look skeletal up top. It's just my genetics. I envy those lucky ones with even body fat distribution.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    edited December 2016
    Not weight loss help, but just short-term body image help with this I've found it to wear looser, flowy tops on top, like tunics. They'll look great with your legs. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    oorie wrote: »
    oorie wrote: »
    Its like the only thing i'm trying to lose but i keep losing in my legs and my legs are tiny its so aggravating! But the best thing i'm trying to do is cutting down on my carb intake.

    Were you reading the responses at all? C-a-l-o-r-i-e d-e-f-i-c-i-t. There are no exercises, fad diets, infomercial gadgets, macro manipulation (e.g. low carbs) or magic pixie dust that is going to reduce belly fat.

    Yea i read that.....thanks for spelling it out for me.. i was stateing what i'm trying to do to keep myself from gaining belly fat because carbs are my weakness and that whatever i'm doing working out or diet i just keep losing in my legs... i under stand theres no magic pill or a certain exercise . That's why if you read my question it asks if anyone tried something that i would be able to try that maybe might help. I am losing weight I've lost 30 pounds... my question wasent how to lose weight..

    I'm pear shaped.....and (of course) the last place I lose is my thighs. High carbs, moderate carbs, or low carbs can't undo genetics.

    So the answer to your question is calorie deficit & strength training will help. The only absolute in spot reduction is liposuction.