Pregnancy pause.

I was trying to lose 15lbs when I found out I was pregnant. So now I'm trying to relax and let my body be what it needs to be, but I'd like to come out of the pregnancy healthier and with some feet forward in my long battle with my weight and body image. Anyone else in this space? Are there any groups on here, my search didn't get me vary far?


  • Holly23bgs
    Holly23bgs Posts: 51 Member
    Well I'm not currently pregnant but I've been there. I thought it helped my mind set because I had to try to eat healthy because everything I ate affected another person. Just keep in your mind that you have to gain weight in order to have a healthy baby and don't let the numbers or size get you down. Do your best to keep the gain to Doctor approved amounts and it will be easier to lose it when the time comes.