Does your body get use to a diet?



  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    Hmmmm am doing 1000 calories per day i hope my body doesn't adapt to this.

    Why are you undereating?

    Because I need to lose 4 pounds a week to hit my goal. I cant do that if i eat 2500 a day.

    You don't need to lose 4lbs a week. You're under eating.

    I just looked and on another thread you said you want to lose 55 lbs by August which is achievable without starving yourself and "needing" to lose 4 lbs a week.
  • irandra23
    irandra23 Posts: 35 Member
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    Hmmmm am doing 1000 calories per day i hope my body doesn't adapt to this.

    Why are you undereating?

    Because I need to lose 4 pounds a week to hit my goal. I cant do that if i eat 2500 a day.

    Are you morbidly obese? 4 lbs a week is super aggressive and not recommended unless you are under doctor supervision.

    I am 198 pounds... dont think that puts me in the morbidly obese catergory but my goal is to reach 143. Yeah i guess im over doing it by aiming for 4 lbs a week but i want to aim for that and mayb settle for less. MFP even adjusts my calorie intake whenever i log in my food and exercise for the day. Today it said i should do 1650 calories a day.
    I guess im worried about failing so much that i want to give it all i can hence the ' Under eating'... mayb i am thinking about it all wrong.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    If this were true id be screwed iv been at 1200 since i began. Nowhere lower to go safely :D and no plateaus
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    Hmmmm am doing 1000 calories per day i hope my body doesn't adapt to this.

    Why are you undereating?

    Because I need to lose 4 pounds a week to hit my goal. I cant do that if i eat 2500 a day.

    If you aim for something crazy like that, you will end up losing a ton of muscle (which means you aren't losing fat) and you will have a good chance that you will get malnourished and/or potentially hospitalized. You didn't get fat over night, you can't expect to lose it over night.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    Hmmmm am doing 1000 calories per day i hope my body doesn't adapt to this.

    Why are you undereating?

    Because I need to lose 4 pounds a week to hit my goal. I cant do that if i eat 2500 a day.

    You will hit your goal losing less than 4 lbs a week. It is dangerous to try and lose weight so quickly. Why not aim for 2 lbs a week? You will meet your goal in time. Patience will be your friend in this endeavor. You don't have to eat 2,500 calories each day, but you also don't have to eat a meager 1,000 regularly. There is a good medium which you will lose weight while being able to eat a normal and healthy amount of food.

    MFP set my goal at 1,400 for a 1 lb a week loss for my activity level when my weight was 187 lbs. I normally meet that, sometimes I fall a little under, occasionally I hit just 1,000 on days when I'm just not hungry. Those days are the exception rather than the rule. Some days I go way over. I am now at 152 lbs. I have lost 35 lbs with out malnourishing my body and endangering my health. You can do it too. I promise.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    irandra23 wrote: »
    Hmmmm am doing 1000 calories per day i hope my body doesn't adapt to this.

    Why are you undereating?

    Because I need to lose 4 pounds a week to hit my goal. I cant do that if i eat 2500 a day.

    Are you morbidly obese? 4 lbs a week is super aggressive and not recommended unless you are under doctor supervision.

    I am 198 pounds... dont think that puts me in the morbidly obese catergory but my goal is to reach 143. Yeah i guess im over doing it by aiming for 4 lbs a week but i want to aim for that and mayb settle for less. MFP even adjusts my calorie intake whenever i log in my food and exercise for the day. Today it said i should do 1650 calories a day.
    I guess im worried about failing so much that i want to give it all i can hence the ' Under eating'... mayb i am thinking about it all wrong.

    Overdoing it like this is how you fail Cut that *kitten* out. Put in your stats eat what it says undereating is just going to lead to binges and health issues

    Not to hijack this thread even further but...
    I started at 198 lbs (5'1'') and was losing about 3 lbs per week until I was down to the 130's. Just because you *could* lose this quickly doesn't mean you should. It's not sustainable.
    After I was "done losing" and started to be less strict (I had to be extremely strict to manage those big losses), I started binge eating like crazy, completely stopped exercising. It wasn't long before I was up to 215 lbs and had an even worse relationship with food than before.