SOS - I don't want to hit 300 lbs! Help me to help myself, please



  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Moby_Dick wrote: »
    I love all the advice you have given me.

    The word diet gets me into a panic mode, I decided against it. I am not on a diet. I will cook normal, and I will eat normal. Carbs, fiber, protein, fat and a bit sugar. If I want to have a beer in the evening, then I have to cut the food calories. It's not rocket science when you start doing it. Some numbers surprise me, seeing the calories in black and white, damn it hurts. I overate all the time.
    You got this :)

    Thank you for all the friend request. Please, be patient with me.
    We will if you will :)

  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    Why I want to get into shape:

    To fit into a booth seat in a restaurant.
    To walk without huffing and puffing.
    To paint my toenails without falling over.
    To wear clothes that don't look like a tent.
    To put on my socks without too much effort.
    To bend down and get up without a problem.
    To go grocery shopping without hanging on to the cart.
    To walk a mile or two with our dog.
    To dance like I did when I was younger.
    To buy clothes because I like them, not because they fit.
    To look in the mirror and see a face without a double chin.
    To like my outside as much as I like my inside.
    To feel sexy again.
    To be healthier.
    To have people look at me because they like what they see, not because I am so big.

    Moby_Dick, this is me too.
  • theflyingbunny
    theflyingbunny Posts: 1 Member
    Moby_Dick, thanks for sharing!!!! You have motivated me. Please feel free to friend me for support. We can do this! Saying a prayer for you.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You'll find that all you really need is consistency--just never give up.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Just a suggestion to add to all the great ones there have been so far... make your dog your best friend, take him / her for lots of lovely walks, long ones, short ones, whatever you have time for. Walking is great exercise and you can pick up speed and length as you feel yourself losing weight and getting fitter. I've seen lots of posts on here from people saying the only exercise they have done during their weight loss journey was walking.

    Good luck, you've taken the first step, just keep on trucking, one step at a time!!