Day One

vmrjj Posts: 25 Member
So today is my first day counting calories and sticking to it a whole day. When I found I was getting 1,200 calories for the day I thought that was way too little but it was actually a good amount. After dinner I still have 300 but I do realize that I need to add more calories to my main meals so that I'm not left with this much. Got my exercise in. All in all it was a good first day. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone :-)


  • Moby_Dick
    Moby_Dick Posts: 26 Member
    This is my first day as well. Half a day, since I signed up here around lunch time.

    I cleaned out the fridge and the pantry, got rid of all the candy bars in my desk. You are a day ahead of me, but not for long. Nice to meet you!
  • vmrjj
    vmrjj Posts: 25 Member
    Good for you! My husband put his little stash of candy away so it wouldn't be tempting. Happy first day to us! I hope tomorrow will be just as good.
  • rishabhmusafir
    rishabhmusafir Posts: 4 Member
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    Hi there! Good for you for starting! There is a lot of helpful information here. Check out the announcements at the top of the thread.

    If you let MFP calculate your calories, it may be off. They give a lot of 1200 cals/day to people. Try this link. It will give you your TDEE, BMR, and total cals per day based on your weight loss (I'd recommend -20% reduction).

    Good luck!
  • vmrjj
    vmrjj Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you, I'll be sure to look into that.
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
  • peggy53lee
    peggy53lee Posts: 4 Member
    Today is day 1 for me on My fitness Pal. Wish me luck as I am a 63 year old women trying to get my health back I have lost weight on WW but I'm tired of paying for only losing 15lbs in 8 months. Being older it just does not come off fast. I'm not given up I was 221 got down to 205 and recently put back on 10 lbs. I am getting motivated I ordered a Withings watch tracker and cant wait for it to come to the house. I had a fitbit and it helped keep me motivated but I think this Withings tracker will be much better. I need to get motivated as I am now on BP medication which I'm not happy about. I will feel better soon. :p
  • avic77
    avic77 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! Great first day.
  • vmrjj
    vmrjj Posts: 25 Member
    Peggy53lee I was on WW years ago and although it did work, I didn't want to continue paying for it to lose the weight. I totally understand. Have you heard of Leslie Sansone's walk off he pounds dvds? They are great.