Working out to lose weight versus maintain weight

Ok I'm trying to lose about 20 to 30 pounds and so far I've been focusing on just my diet but I kind of want to speed the weight loss along versus just watching what I eat and I'm eating about 1560 calories a day to lose about .5 of pound week so I talked to this fitness guy a few years ago and he said to see drastic results you have to make your heart beat pick up and I wanted to just go for walk but for about month I'm going to have more time so I wanted to workout more but he basically said the walking at calm pace was good to maintain weight after u lost the weight but to really lose and burn calories u need to do interval workout with fast pace to slow.. and I know working out doesn't make u lose weight it's what u eat but I just want to speed it up since I have more time right now .. do u guys find this true ? Also if I walked and calm pace it would be about 2 miles and if I worked out with switching to fast pace to slow it would 30 min on treadmill and when I say I mean fast pace it would be speed walk and if I do the 2 miles a day out of 2 days week I would go to gym and do more of hard core workout ..Only for this month since I have more time ..and then I think after this month I'll commit to 2 days excercising while watching my calories


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Weight loss happens first and foremost 'in the kitchen'. Any exercise done aids that as it helps increase the calorie deficit.

    There's nothing wrong with just walking, yes you could try faster intervals during your walk which will increase the calorie burn - its good to push ourselves that bit harder at times.

    I guess while you have a month to be able to work out more then turn it to your advantage, the more you burn the more you will lose as long as you aren't eating back too many of those work out calories.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Weight loss at its root is math, calories consumed-calories burned. Anything you do to increase to "burned" side of the equation will help as long as you don't increase the "consumed" side because more activity makes you more hungry. Consider other things to up your consumption. Walk anywhere you can, park farther away, take stairs etc. Good luck to you.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    You don't need to do HIIT to lose weight. Eat at a deficit (less than you burn) to lose, walk (exercise) for fitness or because you like it.