Looking for friends with similar goals and struggles

I'm a 26 year old woman, 50 lbs (or more? Depending on what side of the BMI scale you're looking at) overweight, and FINALLY, after trying to lose weight a thousand times over the last two and a half years, I know exactly how I'm going to do it and get there..now I just need support and friendship from someone who understands the struggles I'm bound to face on this lifelong journey. I have an amazingly supportive husband, and great friends at home..but they just don't understand or are sick of hearing about it. If you wanna be friends send me a message! Thanks!


  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    That is awesome you have such a detailed plan, that will be a huge help on your journey!! That is so exciting you are ready to make a change :) I completely understand about people not wanting to hear about it all the time, that's the great thing about being able to talk on this forum! Don't give up we are here for you! The threat about success stories is very motivating, good luck on your journey:)
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    You're in the right mindset! YOU WILL SUCCEED! :)<3
  • Thank you guys! Using the community feature and reaching out is another first for me in my adventure of becoming healthy and I am SO thankful I shed that silly anxiety and just finally posted. I want the highest chances of lifelong success and health and am finally willing to do whatever it takes! Haven't quite pinpointed how to deal with my late night urge to fall into old bad habits and binge again but one thing at a time, all things in succession, right? Lol
  • bigzz08
    bigzz08 Posts: 39 Member
    Right mind set and will power you will get there I'm trying to lose 40-50lb myself feel free to add me