
My fitbit has stopped syncing with my fitnesspal. My fitbit battery needed charging and has not since I plugged it in. I've tried logging them both in and out. Went into settings and checked steps was going throw fitbit. Made sure they're connected. Nothing. Would love some help please


  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    It has been a glitch for quit some time.

    I basically add my exercise manually to mfp now. My mfp calories are set to sedentary, so it works out well until the two teenagers (fitbit and mfp) can play nice.
  • LaraKTMO
    LaraKTMO Posts: 1 Member
    Do you manually enter the calories that you burnt during the day, according to your Fitbit, on MFP? Or do you only add what exercise you did according to what your Fitbit app says?
    I was adding calories burnt (according to Fitbit) in a custom exercise as "steps" at some 2,600 calories burnt in a day and it said that at this rate I should be losing weight pretty drastically, which I am not.
    Yesterday I only added what I had done at the gym which was some 400 calories burnt.

    Hope this makes sense!