Eating 1700 calories and losing weight!

Hello i lost the exercise bug a few year ago I was doing well but I stopped I am a very over weight lady I am about 18stone I have just recently brought a Fitbit and started walking again, trying to get my steps up to 15,000 a day by dog walking and doing more round the house my question is would eating 1700 -1900 calories a day and walking 15,000 steps a day help me loose weight I plan on doing more exercise once I feel a bit more healthy, no nasty comments please I am trying I know I've let myself go and I am trying to do something good I'm not asking for a miracle I know it will take a lot of patience and hard work to lose all the extra weight I have, I'm just looking for help. Many thanks. Xx


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, that calorie level should be a good start. I didn't start counting calories until I got down to the 170s (12 stone) but from there down to 150 I ate 1750-1850 calories per day. Height (I'm 5'6")and activity level factor in but you should be fine to start.

    Best of luck!
  • rebecca7488
    rebecca7488 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you very much I have read that eating 1500 is better to loose weight but I can't get my calorie count down past 1700 with out feeling hungry all day, thank you again. X
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    If you are 18 stone, you should lose weight eating 1700 to 1900 calories a day (provided you are accurate about how much you eat) even without putting in 15,000 steps a day. Even if you only got out of bed to use the bathroom and eat (albeit, you wouldn't be losing very fast in the latter case, but you should still be losing).
  • rebecca7488
    rebecca7488 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you very much my food intake that I logged on MyFitnessPal for yesterday's food is 1758 and I did apparently did 16,364 steps via my Fitbit charge2 so if I kept this up I should lose weight and hopefully become more healthy in the process. Might take a while but it will be worth it. Thank you. X
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Out of curiosity, how many calories does your FitBit say you burn in a day? Subtract 1000 calories from that number to get a "don't eat less than this" number (assuming intake is tracked accurately).
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited December 2016
    It makes me sad that you anticipate nasty comments (or are concerned that you might get them). It does happen sometimes here, but there are specific circumstances.

    Sounds like you are trying really hard. I don't have much to add to what the others are saying. I do suggest to stick with what you are doing for 4-6 weeks to get a good amount of data and to see what your results are before changing anything. The first 1-2 weeks are typically higher losses, so that data is skewed. Then adjust your calories up or down based on your results. Don't be in too big of a hurry to lose everything. Take your time and learn new habits along the way that will make this sustainable for you.

    I get fewer steps, but I stay active in other ways (because my feet like yelling at me). I love swimming for exercise, if that's an option for you (and you enjoy it). Take some time to read the stickied posts at the top of the getting started and general diet forums. There is so much great information there.

    ETA: a trend app has been so helpful for me to let go of the ups and downs of daily weighing. Since you have a FitBit, I would recommend trendweight. It will sync with FitBit, and overtime will create a chart that demonstrates the overall trend of what your weight is doing. The first few weeks is just data collection, so don't put too much faith into it until you have a good 4 weeks in. But it really can help with letting go of the fluctuations.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hello i lost the exercise bug a few year ago I was doing well but I stopped I am a very over weight lady I am about 18stone I have just recently brought a Fitbit and started walking again, trying to get my steps up to 15,000 a day by dog walking and doing more round the house my question is would eating 1700 -1900 calories a day and walking 15,000 steps a day help me loose weight I plan on doing more exercise once I feel a bit more healthy, no nasty comments please I am trying I know I've let myself go and I am trying to do something good I'm not asking for a miracle I know it will take a lot of patience and hard work to lose all the extra weight I have, I'm just looking for help. Many thanks. Xx

    To be honest at 18 stone you could probably eat even more and still lose weight. I'm just under 13 stone (started at 20 stone 9), average 19000 steps a day and currently eat around 2000 Calories a day to lose 0.5-1lb a week (some days I'll eat even more, yesterday was a high activity day and I ate 2600 and was still way under my target).

    It doesn't work for everyone, but I'd recommend getting a fitbit (or similar) and linking it with MFP, not only is it great watching your suggested Calories for the day rise if you're more than sedentary, but it can help motivate you to be more active, especially if you join one of the sites that rewards you for completing step based challenges.
  • irandra23
    irandra23 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you very much I have read that eating 1500 is better to loose weight but I can't get my calorie count down past 1700 with out feeling hungry all day, thank you again. X

    Whenever you feel hungry try eating something like salad or fruit. This has worked for me so far.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    The amount of calories that is right for each person is different but basically for weight loss you want to eat less than maintenance calories (also called TDEE) but not less than your BMR (which is the calories you need just to survive before factoring in activity & exercise). You could always check using a TDEE/BMR calculator (can be found online) to see if your calorie intake is in a good range.
  • irandra23
    irandra23 Posts: 35 Member
    The amount of calories that is right for each person is different but basically for weight loss you want to eat less than maintenance calories (also called TDEE) but not less than your BMR (which is the calories you need just to survive before factoring in activity & exercise). You could always check using a TDEE/BMR calculator (can be found online) to see if your calorie intake is in a good range.

    Oooh thanks so much for talking about TDEE. Now i know my calorie intake is in a good range. I thought i was under eating.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I'm sorry if people are rude or bash you....I get that on this site too....Not cool !!!!! But if it makes a bully feel better then I guess we just have to keep ignoring them....I am in a similar situation as you...The site recommended calories for me are 1400.....if I eat that much I don't lose.....I keep it down to 1000 or there over....And I lose....I can't exercise like a lot can due to health and injuries...But if you think your not progressing like you want...Try dropping down a couple hundred calories and see how it goes...Or swap out a meal u
    Normally eat for a long simmered all vegetable soup !!! I find myself doing that often...I throw a bunch of let's call it the kitchen sink in s pot and simmer for hours...No salt added... Actually quite tasty....And much more filling than say a turkey sandwich....At the end of the day it's gonna take time...Your doing the best you can and that's GREAT!!!!!! Keep on doing Your thing....You want will get it.....Ox