Help and tips for short people



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Berry_EG wrote: »
    vanmep wrote: »
    You are just under 5 feet and weigh 100 pounds? You are already at a healthy BMI. How much weight are you planning to lose? Be careful you don't get to an unhealthy low weight.

    I'm not it's okay my plan is the lowest number of BMI that is healthy. I have a very small frame so I hope that I am better then

    What do you mean when you say you "hope you are better then". Aiming for the lowest possible weight, because you think it is going to make you feel better about yourself doesn't sound like a very healthy outlook...

    I promise you, that you won't get bulky or muscular by starting some light weight training (even with dumbells).
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I'm 5'. It's not all that hard, our TDEE is just lower. I'd recommend eating 1,200 calories per day - your weight loss may not be as quick to drop off, but it will be maintainable and you won't be starving all the time. Eat small amounts every 3-4 hours throughout the day, and make sure they are nutrient packed food options. Also, think about incorporating lifting into your exercise routine because it can change the composition of your body (if you're like me, and a lot of short people that I know, you are "thicker" and therefore your body responds well to lifting)

    Not necessary at all o_O at the eating every 3-4 hours

    Not saying it's necessary. Just a tip. When I was at 1,200 calories that's the only way I got by...

    I eat 1200 and this would drive me crazy. I like to feel semi full sometimes so 2 500 calorie meals and a 200 calorie snack is how i go about it. Id never feel satisfied with super tiny meals xD