Grade question that is not relevant to MFP

I don't have any friends or family to ask this to so I'm using MFP! I have an 84.6 in my psychology class and I have only missed it one time. I've done all the extra credit as well. Would it be too much a stretch to ask my professor to bump it up to a 90? Hahah I know that's a lot but I'm just wondering if it's almost disrespectful.


  • The__Wolf
    The__Wolf Posts: 92 Member
    I mean... if you can successfully apply the lessons from your class towards this problem, then you'd clearly have earned an A, imo.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    Yes, its disrespectful, dont do it...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Won't happen. That is way far apart grade wise.
    Ask about redoing assignments for better grades.
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2016
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Would it be ok to ask your boss to bump your salary up because you've only missed work a few times?

    That's different. That's asking for a raise, and people should do it (with better justification, though) because that's how you get ahead. But salary is a result of how well you negotiate, not an average of your performance like we're talking about here.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I can honestly say it never occurred to me to ask anyone to bump my grade on the basis that I showed up.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Would it be ok to ask your boss to bump your salary up because you've only missed work a few times?

    That's different. That's asking for a raise, and people should do it (with better justification, though) because that's how you get ahead. But salary is a result of how well you negotiate, not an average of your performance like we're talking about here.

    It's the same premise. Here's what I earned but here's what I think you should have given me.

    Nah, I disagree. A salary is prospective, not retrospective. A grade is a ranking of how you did in a past event. A salary is something that you negotiate (yes, based on your past performance) but reflects your value going forwards. If it was the same premise, you'd work all year and then get told how much you were going to get paid for that work.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited December 2016
    Usually attendance doesn't count unless if you have an assignment each time, and those are only a few points. There are other reasons why you got an 84. You had an idea of what your grade would be before your final ( unless it was the final that caused your grade to drop), so you had the chance to ask about making it up before the term was over. Just a lesson to be learned for future courses.You could ask to bump it up to 85 if it moves you from B- to a B, but a 90 is over doing it.
  • The__Wolf
    The__Wolf Posts: 92 Member
    Is this a generational thing or what? The entitlement is amazing.

    Um... what? Grade-begging has been going on ever since there were grades. This isn't a "generational" thing nor is this generation any more "entitled" than the last.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    edited December 2016
    You got your answer lol. Definitely not. Maybe ask if you can do extra credit to make it an 85.

    Also is that your final grade or did you not take your finals yet?
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    flash a bit of cleavage, show some leg. you'll get ur 90
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Would it be ok to ask your boss to bump your salary up because you've only missed work a few times?

    That's different. That's asking for a raise, and people should do it (with better justification, though) because that's how you get ahead. But salary is a result of how well you negotiate, not an average of your performance like we're talking about here.

    It's the same premise. Here's what I earned but here's what I think you should have given me. Yes, salaries are negotiated but an employer isn't going to employ you very long if you aren't worth what you're paid. Admittedly, I get paid in shoes so I may not know what I'm talking about but a sense of entitlement isn't all that's required for an increase, monetary or otherwise.

    Either way it wasn't really germane to the conversation, you had a clear point and the minute details aren't relevant to it or the conversation. We're talking about grades not salaries. Sorry for muddying the waters.
  • Cat3141
    Cat3141 Posts: 162 Member
    Don't. Just don't. Also, don't email/call/etc. at this point asking for more extra credit.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have no problems to objecting to a grade if you think it was unreasonably low for the calibre of work. But asking for a bump up just for showing up is a stretch.