Postpartum weight loss

Hello you guys, I just had a baby 7 weeks ago and I'm ready to go back on my diet. I'm currently weighing in at 223 (I know, I know), I just want to know is there any tips that can help me. I currently go to the gym 3-4 times a weeks and workout for 45 minutes. Is there anything I can do to help bring my weight down. I want to be healthy, not only for myself but for my daughter as well. I really need to lose belly fat. I would really appreciate some advice thank you . Also are there any recipes that's low on calories you can send. MY way. Thanks guys !!!


  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    First, don't feel bad! I topped the scales at 225 after the birth of my first child! I'm now down to 150 lb (what I weighed in high school). You got this!

    The main thing is to track your food intake. Enter your age, height, and current weight into MFP and set a rate of loss for 1-1.5 lbs per week. Log everything. Investing in a food scale (you could pick one up at your local big box store for $15-20) will help with accuracy. Aim to stay within the calorie limit set for your goals. That's it.

    Remember to update your weight in MFP as you lose (smaller bodies need less calories). Exercise is great for fitness and general health, but calorie burns are often overestimated, so it is best to start by eating only half of what MFP tells yu you burned. There are no forbidden foods. Eat what you like, just stay within your calorie goal. You will probably find that eating foods high in protein, fat, and fiber keep you feeling full longer, but when you are just starting out staying within calorie goal is enough.

    Congrats on your baby! I have four girls :). Enjoy this time... It goes by way too fast!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Congratulations on the new baby! :smiley:

    I'm hesitant to suggest too much without knowing if you've checked in with your doctor and been ok'd for getting back to exercise. Also if you are breastfeeding new Mom's on here add about 300 calories back.

    You sound enthusiast and that's great... Try not to be too hard on your self you just made a baby! Just remember it took time to get overweight so it will take time to get to the size we want again. Eating in moderation, getting in plenty of water, good sleep and continuing to move your body are great starting points.

    Wish you well on starting back up <3
  • Kbabers123
    Kbabers123 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes my doctor said its okay. I weighed 193 before I got pregnant that's why I'm determined lol. But I kno I have to take my time I just would like help with recipes and workout times or even workouts that helps with belly and body fat. Thank you for your reply. How long did it take for you to lose weight..any advice
  • SuperNerd42
    SuperNerd42 Posts: 47 Member
    Congratulations! My littlest is also 7 weeks :) you are ahead of me in that you are already hitting the gym more than I am! Next is just watch the calories and log your food.

    I've noticed that now that the "easy" weight has dropped off from right after delivery that I've slowed down. I also know that where the weight is sitting is so very different than my prepregnancy body. Heck, I'm even getting used to this body compared to after baby number one! It will come off, just be patient and keep at it! Most of all enjoy that baby!

    (Writing this as I'm up for a 2 am feeding!)
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    It can take 6-8 weeks for your uterus so even shrink back to usual size.

    Give yourself some time.

    Great results through small gradual improvements and all that jazz.

    Congratulations on the new baby!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You cannot spot reduce so your "belly fat" will go when your body decides. Secondly, all you need is a calorie deficit. Set up MFP with your correct weight and weekly loss goal (be sensible) and eat whatever you want to meet your calorie goal.
  • babypunkprincess
    babypunkprincess Posts: 109 Member
    R u BF? My baby is 5.5 months and I formula fed so i went on a 1200 calorie diet for a month. I lost all my pregnancy weight but 6 pounds and after a month of dieting I lost it. Then I just started walking and slowly started doing weights. I increased my food to 1500 and slowly lost another 10 pounds. I got a food scale which helped so much and I was on my way to losing more...then I got pregnant again lol. 12 weeks now.

    Anyway continue to exercise and watch your food intake. If u r BF enter it in in the cardio section and eat some of those calories back to maintain your supply.

    Congrats to u on your baby!
  • suzievv
    suzievv Posts: 410 Member
    Hi! Congratulations on the birth of your baby! My baby is 8 months old. I have been pregnant 5 other times and lost that weight almost each time as well. I'm in the middle of losing the weight from the last one. Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth!

    1. Love your postpartum body. It's beautiful. When you look at that flappy tummy and any stretch marks, remember that was your baby's home! It's so amazing that our bodies can house a baby. A LOT goes into the development of the baby, so your body goes through a lot.

    2. I'm sure everyone's different, but for me, I have a real hard time losing much weight before about 6 months postpartum. It's as though my body just isn't ready yet. The first several months are an adjustment phase all around. Just be sure to try to listen to your body, and don't rush things. But if you're ready to lose weight, that's great. I think it's amazing that you're working out so much at 7 weeks.

    3. If you're breastfeeding, be sure to add at least 350-500 calories to your calorie goal. This is something that has been difficult for me-- trying to figure out my calorie goal while breastfeeding. But with some trial and error, I'm figuring it out. Without breastfeeding, I'd need about 1500-1600 calories a day to lose weight. Currently I'm eating about 2000-2200 calories per day, and losing weight. If I ate any lower, I'd be absolutely starving, and my weight loss plan would fail. And my milk production would be affected too.

    4. Weight loss is just calories in versus calories out. If you have a bad week of sleep deprivation or something and can't make it to the gym, no worries, it's all about how many calories you eat. If you haven't done so already, try Myfitnesspal's Food Diary for easy tracking.
  • Kbabers123
    Kbabers123 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone. No I am formula feeding and I appreciate everyone's feedback. Since I'm. Or BF I am on my 1200 calorie in take do anyone have certain healthy meal recipes if so I would love to hear them. Or smoothies recipes lol .