Eating more but weight not going up?

Please bear with me on this one, I am after genuine thoughts on what's happening here!

Happy times, I reached my goal weight in July. Yes, the skinny jeans fit again, it was hard work but I felt like I'd really achieved something. Now it's getting colder I am eating more 'cause I'm hungry, logging on average 500cal more per day than my 'maintain weight calorie allowance' recommends. I have a Fitbit which logs my exercise, so exercise calories are counted. I go for a 2-3 mile walk most lunchtimes (50-60mins) plus walking round the office and home. I weigh myself once a fortnight on the same scales.

Despite eating more, I don't seem to be putting weight on. I log what I eat so I know I'm regularly going over my calorie goal. What I am worried about is falling back into old habits such as - h'mm that biscuit (or three) won't make much difference, I'll just have another glass of wine, oh this chocolate tastes nice, oops the packet is empty. It's where I went wrong before. If I'm maintaining weight despite eating more, how to I make sure I don't get complacent? And why aren't I putting on weight?


  • newbie3122
    newbie3122 Posts: 480 Member
    Your maintenance has changed. Now eat even more :*
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    How big was the difference between your weight loss calorie goal and your maintenance calorie goal?

    Maintenance calories change for all kinds of reasons but it could be that your NEAT has increased after a spell at maintenance, it did for me too.
    Your unconscious NEAT can be suppressed when dieting as you feel low on energy so move less, fidget less, make different choices etc...

    But try to be vigilant rather than worried!

    Maybe recording and trending your weight might reassure you? Only weighing every fortnight is going to take quite a while to spot any change in trends though.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited December 2016
    First, how long has this been going on? Anyone here who has ever looked up one day and finally realized how much weight they put on with out even realizing it can attest. It can slowly and gradually creep up. If you are overeating by just a small amount You may only begin to gain back fractions of a pound at very slow rate thus allowing yourself get comfortable in thinking you only gained back a couple of pounds be fore a couple of pounds turn to 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 etc.... I would just make a note of your daily weight. That way you can see it written down. In MFP when we record our weight we can look at a report. It will show a chart of what we eat, what we weigh etc... I recommend using those tools to get a better idea of what is really happening in terms of your diet and weight.
  • PixieKazza
    PixieKazza Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you for your responses!

    I weigh myself when I stay at my boyfriend's house once a fortnight, so I'm using the same scales. I don't have any at home - should I get a decent set? My weight has stayed constant within a couple of pounds since July. My net calorie intake has risen since end of September, with me going over at least 4 days out of 7, especially at weekends when I don't do much exercise and I drink more alcohol. My 'diet' calorie intake was 1200 net, my maintenance is 1450 (I'm 4'10" in case you think it's a bit low, it's what MFP thinks it should be) so really easy to go 'over budget'.

    I wonder if my NEAT has increased as it's colder now, thanks for the info sijomial. I don't have central heating but I do heat rooms with electric heaters.

    ThatUserNa... it's what I'm worried about, the weight creeping back on because I think I'm getting away with the extra calories. That said, if I go back to being very strict and I lose weight, then I obviously need more calories. I'll try being strict and see what happens!
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Pixie, I just wanted to say I don't have a scale either. I use a measuring tape every few days measuring waist, bellybutton, hips, bust, thighs and upper arm. When those measurements stay within 1/4 inch I know I'm ok with my calorie range. Weight, after all, is variable. What I care about is maintaining my size and health. I know that if I am the same size its ok, so scale weight isn't very important to me.
    As I increase physical activity I seem to be readjusting some of the edema and flabby bits too, so again, its appearance that is improving.
    I too found my maintenance calories much higher than I expected and its good to read someone else's concern, for I can see there is not much to worry about. If I get bigger, I have a solution ready that I have practiced for almost a year of logging!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    As calories go up, studies show that NEAT normally increases. Plus your are probably reversing any metabolic down-regulation from your dieting period. Slowly increase food on a fortnightly basis (100-200 calories), until you gain then you know your maintenance is in the middle.
  • I wouldn't go to being strict necessarily. First you definitely need your own scales. That will ensure that you take your weight daily. Preferably in the morning after using the restroom, naked, and before you eat or drink anything. That way you can be sure you are maintaining. If you notice the weight steadily creeping on you can lower your intake a little bit until you find the best intake. Going over your calorie allotment here and there is likely not going to be to your weight loss detriment, but doing so regularly and not catching on because you don't weigh regularly may possibly be. So yeah, just get your own scales and then decide later if your current intake needs tweaking.